Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Transfer Vba Saves To Gpsphone

Critique my evening TV-31 December 2010!

This year, we Serge Chapleau reserved a remake of "Alice in Wonderland", a tale that was written in the nineteenth century, by Lewis Carroll!

The allusions to current events of 2010 were there, especially when the twins met Gerard Jean Lapierre, who, by themselves and have managed to make connections with shale gas, the Chilean miners, influenza A (H1N1 ), the return of an NHL team in Quebec City, the canonization of Brother Andre and the art of appointing judges "of the right color"!

The Cat ChesCharest looked too real John James Carrion, and more! The parco Mayor Gerald Tremblay and rabbit-pressed Regis Labeaume were also glaring truth! Gilles Duceppe was also crying for truth, the Mad Hatter's role, not to mention Madame Loulou impersonating a giant caterpillar!

By cons, is it normal that when the Queen arrived and Stephen Harper Gregory Charles is killed, I suddenly stopped laughing, huh

I feel that for the Liberal Serge Chapleau, Harper is more dangerous than Carrion, while the opposite! It was portrayed Stephen Harper in an obscurantist dictator who eliminates all opponents who runs the country as a monarch and we reserved the polished jokes to John James Carrion, who has transformed into a true Quebec Palermo North America!

For two years I say Laflaque is a program of propaganda that serves the PLQ and the PLC, I think it gave me a reason! Just look how he caricature Pauline Marois, his show, as his last two predecessors, at the head of the Official Opposition: Mario Dumont and André Boisclair, let alone Jacques Parizeau!

It is clear Where are the priorities of the Liberal Serge Chapleau Find more scandalous then pressing the only democracy in the Middle East and the Middle East or Israel, that parasitize all institutions of Quebec to put them in the service plan who is in power

The main reason why I continue to enjoy the annual review of Jean-René Dufort, despite his chronic lack of renewal is that spares no one, compared to Serge Chapleau and Bye-Bye!

"We will forget, forget, forget 2010!"

is on the lyrics of this song which was specially written by singer-songwriter Damien Robitaille Infoman that launched its annual review of 2010, live from Port-au-Prince, to make a nod to the earthquake that devastated Haiti in January 2010!

The song spoke of John as well as James Carrion vuvuzelas South African resonated during the World Cup soccer, as the oil spill had spread in the Gulf of Mexico, as of the end of Virginia! It was a sensible way to remember that despite the tragedy in Haiti, life goes on and the music resonates, even among our people, brother!

Between excerpts from some of his best stories of the last 12 months, Jean-René Dufort was, as usual, amused to include interviews that were unpublished, including one with John James and the Carrion Pauline Marois (separately, needless to say), one with and one with Regis Labeaume Bernard Gauthier, "Rambo" of the construction environment which has, incidentally, wanted "a cup of good year"!

Dufort has also taken a plane to Iceland, for, among other things, we show that the patents are sold there, in memory of the eruption of the volcano whose name is unpronounceable, and to convince Museum Director "phallologique" Icelandic to make room on its walls, for photos of the famous Royal clam that was cooked on the set of the show "Des kiwis et des hommes"!

short, even after 10 years Infoman remains as effective and essential when it comes time to reflect on the year ending!

By cons, some excerpts from reviews of the year Infoman feel really warmed too much, as, for example, his coverage of the Olympics in Vancouver as well as those on the march to Quebec and blue on the Case Gilles Vaillancourt

Rating: 8 / 10!

Bye-Bye 2010

Without any mention of Nathalie Simard and no joke about "niggers" Bye-Bye the second torque-Darling Plateau is undoubtedly better than their failure in 2008! It was a good idea to start from the beginning, making fun of the show paranormal Chantal Lacroix, let alone beginning with Denis Coderre!

By cons, it would be silly not to notice what side leaning Bye-Bye: he replied, again, to an audience that is mostly left and he took the image of our media, whether on shale gas or Stephen Harper, for example, but that, RBO would have done the same thing and, to its Bye-Bye, it would have also been paid with money from our taxes and our taxes!

If the media loved the Bye-Bye, it's just because he followed their thoughts, along with the new orientation, or any left!

But for me, who am not a leftist, it was a Bye-Bye, which was very ordinary

The skit "We exchanged our mayors' or Regis Labeaume and Gérald Tremblay, for one day, would manage the city on the other! Laughable! Tremblay has only to close the eyes, that can start the festival of brown envelopes, with Bonhomme Carnaval, which presents the famous case in which he made the front page of Maclean's in what appeared to be an officer! Montreal crumbling! Labeaume who returns to his Quebec City office, shouting "Hi, incompetent!" And who is giving the hand-kissing, by one of his toadies around mirrors that serve as their "advisors " !

The parody of the song "It's me," Marie-Mai, with Helen Bourgeois-Leclerc, and blue Walk on the record of the new Coliseum in Quebec was too funny and I agree 100% with that ! It fits exactly in what I said in my post on it, anything like that project is not profitable, while Quebec's public finances are in the hole !

The skit on Cardinal Marc Ouellet was too funny , well as that of Scott Gomez !

Parody Commission Bastarache , parody of the song "Bad Romance of Lady Gaga and the song" therefore moved the capital "are my three favorites of the evening !

The family, as relatives, the Prime Minister should expect the worst, the 2010 edition of the traditional Bye-Bye to the Federal Television, says the journalist Michel Hébert! They had, indeed, right for the worst: a portrait of a concealer, a manipulator, a liar and a red herring! It is not to say they have really been served! In the salons

PQ, joy would be complete: Pauline Marois has made only a fleeting and innocuous appearance at the end, with his song "My back PQ, there are dissidents, regarding the crisis that has shaken the PQ in the fall on Article no. A program of the party! But this, we have almost forgotten already!

In fact, there were two voodoo dolls at the show on December 31, 2010: John James Carrion and Stephen Harper, the first being portrayed in a sneaky and the second being portrayed in a moron!

Véronique Cloutier, disguised as Lady Gaga, has thus summarized the message of the evening: "There is someone who lies! Charest Oulala, increasingly low, it is not tata, stop your blah-blah !!!»!!!

The hilarious farce that was the Commission Bastarache with the highly partisan Suzanne "Pitbull" side, the morons of shale gas, the mafias of corruption, etc.. in all fields of news, nobody believes a word that says Carrion! 70% of voters are, indeed, dissatisfied with his government! The script of Bye-Bye concluded with the arrival of movers, the luxurious residence of Carrion, residence he paid, until recently, with his salary secret PLQ, singing: "So the Moves capital "!

For liberals, this show, which was seen by millions of people, is devastating, "says Hebert! I do not think that Keynote address in February to make a difference! Carrion will bring the beautiful Northern Plan (again!!) Or make circles, explaining the possibility of a "new economic space" or brag about, ad nauseam, the pseudo-economic success of Quebec, it will not work! !

The year 2011 began with a hail of taxes and tariffs, as the increase of 1% of the QST, not to mention the outrageous "health premium" that will not change, the disorder of things: you pay just more expensive to keep up the status quo, courtesy of the Minister of Music, Raymond Bachand! We add hundreds of millions of dollars, but new needs are identified quickly by the battalions of bureaucrats to be more imaginative, than each other to better our empty pockets!

Sera, suddenly, this favored class, which is self-browned, but still unsatisfied, despite the billions of dollars being added, and at every spring! The government's fiscal year begins on April 1, it is not insignificant!

Quebec resembles its roads. It catches my eye, each Santa Claus Parade: Streets are repaired quickly, a hole is replaced by a bump, that's how we are told "Thank You"!

Give us the right to say, once in a year, the first day to the other 364 days of the year that we too, you fuck! We're not all idiots who are finished, you know!

Happy New Year to red necks!

Happy New Year to those working today, despite the flu, despite the child that you claim, despite the visit that does not go!

Happy New Year s'éreintent those from morning who is black, in SMEs and industrial parks! Happy New Year to

plucked tax! Happy New Year

disabled savings!

Happy New Year to refugees from the pension board!

Happy New Year to those who eat breakfast force at dawn, in the shelters!

Happy New Year to those who fight against the repression of wealth!

Happy New Year to those who lost their illusions!

Change this neo-aristocratic, terminate this dictatorship patronage, get rid of fake missionaries!

Remember?? Even Jean Charest had wanted to attack!

was in 2003: the promise of reengineering, promises that were repeated later: Promises and promises to streamline productivity!

Promises reductions, promises of cuts and promises of budget performance!

promises that were only virtual!

But whatever the word that was given to a "province" where the disappearance $ 40 billion of our collective nest egg does not cause any event!

Consider, in this mystery!

The year 2011 will be terrible, for liberals, I feel it! The popular discontent

reach heights that are unmatched, because we have learned to share things! It has not been easy in recent years, but we did it! We no longer rate increases for lanterns and, no offense to Raymond Bachand, we do not believe that the government seeks the happiness of the people "! He tries to save his ass, altogether! But it will not succeed!

The Bye-Bye 2010, it was just the beginning!

The Liberals no longer have a leader, because now they must find a deminer

For the rest, there is always the untouchables as Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff, who, despite having had a year that has been disastrous, had the right to a small note which was not very bad at the beginning! In addition, it has been in any skit!

is Stephen Harper came under fire from all Bye-Bye, federal politics, especially with the parody of "Dinner con »!!!! In short, we have seen by this sketch then, that for the couple-Darling Plateau, the bitch is right and bright ideas are all left
! Yet this is not the right economic sank the United States, but state intervention !

Not to mention that Stephen Harper is the holder of a Master in Economics, while at the same time I still have not met anyone who described Harper as "con" who has any degree and who has still less of arguments that are intelligent, to certify and provide proof that he is less stupid than the current Prime Minister of Canada !

But in order to "prove" that Harper is, indeed, a con, it was invented, literally, an imaginary debate on abortion rights, debate that has never been opened by the Conservative government, but by the gang lord Ouellet! To properly bring this invention then, in the minds of viewers, we are done twice alluded!

From pure trash TV at its best, which was paid with public money, yes

The sketch of André Caillé and the shale gas was really crap and I'll explain why in a future post ! They did not even have the balls to make fun of the fear campaign of zartisss environnementeurs and, in this case then! But that too, I'll come back !

skits on The Taxi-22 with Jonathan Duhamel and with Joannie Rochette was not funny and even less about Lance et Compte, even if it's true that it's hard, and I do not even talk about the show Plogue of Vero and that of the cookbook Joel Legendre !

At least they had the balls to laugh at the turn-coat what Joel Legendre !

I continue, for cons, the preferred-Byes Byes to RBO! At least them you know in advance where they are staying on the political spectrum, not to mention the jokes on Quebecor are much nastier than that !

Rating: 6 / 10!

rating of
passage , whatever!


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