Tuesday, January 25, 2011

External Drive Sony Tv

The Urban Council of Kenitra file recovery public transport

Kenitra 25/01/11-
Kenitra The Urban Council has approved on Tuesday in special session, an amendment to the specifications for the introduction of a second public transport company to operate new lines as part of 'delegated management.
The board had approved in January of last year, the specifications for the introduction of a second public transport company, but the regulator had asked him to respect the interests of the concessionaire, Hana-bus connected to the board by two contracts expiring in 2013 and 2015.

Counsel was then set up a commission that created 12 new lines that will be entrusted to the new company through a management company, told the press council chairman of the city, Mr. Aziz Rebbah.

The company will be chosen after a tender will take over operation of all lines of the city after the end of the contract with Hana-bus, said Rebbah.

The new company is expected to start before the beginning of the next school year, he said, adding that the board has made to local authorities a "file complete dysfunction "alleged against the current concessionaire.

The board also approved a route map of the city public transport.

01/25/2011 19:53.
(MAP) Maghreb Arab Press


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