Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Put Cheats For Pokemon Soul Silver On R4

Multiplillet January

Whether through a documentary by disinformation anti-capitalist who would bend Michael Moore or whether by the rain of formal notice and submit it to different people, these days, it is likely that the CBC is trying to control information to his advantage! !

First, after receiving formal notice from the Crown corporation, blogger David Ouellette had to withdraw from his blog, two videos which repeated excerpts of Radio-Canada, in order to criticize, as permitted by the Act, the copyright is that where you could see Liza Frulla evoking the omnipotence of the Jews, while rubbing fingers, to imitate a sign of money, and when we could see Simon Durivage comparing Israel to Sudan and Iran

Then, Radio-Canada has hinted it will continue the Conservative Party of Canada, if it does not withdraw some of its advertisements that use extracts of emissions from the Crown corporation !

However, the CBC belongs to tou (te) s the Canadian (only) s!! They are the ones who pay with their tax money and with money from their taxes for that service, and what they want to or not! That should be the same for the extracts in question and, moreover, the Crown corporation should be an example for access to information, while the opposite is true during that currently !

say that Radio-Canada whining cons Stephen Harper on it ! It has no lessons to give him, because since 2006, it is subject to the Act on access to information and it is through the investigation of Patrick Bourgeois is known now that the CBC layer in the same bed as Power Corporation, through a secret deal of convergence, to share the public airwaves !

The anti-conservative crusade continued with a vengeance, when CBC, the English-language network Radio-Canada, accused the CCP of having used the offices of the Prime Minister of Canada partisan purposes, it is forbidden by law! It is, moreover, the same principle, with county offices of members!

CBC was then asked, as part of his witch hunt against the Conservatives, if it was ethical to use Parliament as a backdrop for a political advertising! I believe that is what, every day, CBC, with which it describes as its reporting objectives, something that has been called into question precisely by the Ombudsman de Radio-Canada, Julie Miville-Deschênes , who has criticized the limited space that was given to right-wing political ideas, in radio by Radio-Canada

Michael Ignatieff and the Quebec aerospace industry

In addressing the contract acquisition of 65 F-35 that wishes to cancel, if it ever is elected, the next federal election, the Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff, one stone two birds! Unfortunately for him, it does it will not win a single vote, Quebec !

Indeed, not only does he tackles in Quebec, it attacks, also in its metropolis, as it contains 98% of Quebec's aerospace industry! ! In fact, that contract represents 40,000 jobs and an economic impact of $ 12.4 billion, as outlined Aero Montreal in this press release !

We already knew that Ignatieff wanted to cancel this contract ! What stimulus that case, what are the two ads that the PLC has launched to respond to those conservatives!

This launch seems to have done in a hurry, the French version of one of the messages had to be redone, since we could read the word "enterprise" instead of "business" in French

When initiative of Eric Duhaime BUYcotter Shop The Walker is stormed by Amir Khadir and his chums PAJU, MPs from all political parties, Canadian and Quebec, were presented to support the owner of the shop undergoing the fatwa buddies Khadir, because OSE sell shoes that are manufactured in Israel, who represent 2% of its turnover! Both the PLQ

the PLC that the CPC that the ADQ were present
, as the PQ with the Head, Pauline Marois, in addition to denouncing the boycott of the store and to denounce anti-Semitic vandalism that takes place, for some time in Montreal, says his party is proud to have signed, in 1997 the first agreement of cooperation on Culture, Science and Technology, with the Jewish state, when it was ruling !

The Bloc Québécois was the only party to shine in his absence, he who has the support of PAJU which, truly, economic terrorism, to the merchant's shop The Walking! ! This trader, who finds himself at the provincial, county Amir Khadir, is found at the Federal, County Gilles Duceppe and the latter did nothing to help her cope with Khadir Friends! !


It is now easy to understand the Bloc's silence, in that case ! Note, also, that this is not the first time that found the Bloc Quebecois with the terrorists !

Related Link no. 1

Related Link no. 2

By the way, the extreme left has a new ally in its fight against Israel's extreme right, in the person of Jean-Roch Villemaire of Independence Party (pictured above), where he shared a banner with a pro-boycott activist who is well known to the Communist Party of Canada: Bill Sloan! See the two political extremes make buddy-buddy is proof that the two have much in common!

Villemaire is the founder of the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement Quebecers, whose manifesto, published on the site, states that "break the backbone of the Zionist ideology and that of his political misadventures, to make the power, Quebec people "!

admirer of the leaders of the extreme-right xenophobic European like Jean-Marie Le Pen and Jörg Haider, Villemaire, inter alia, stealing election signs unilingual English and has vandalized the sign of the organism West Quebecers, a English-speaking organization in Gatineau in 2009!

Another boycotting took part in a young man who came to support the store, because of the color of his skin: "You're not the same color skin as me! Me, my skin is white !!!», has launched the individual! Curious about

for someone who came to denounce an alleged apartheid

Related Link no. 1

Related Link no. 2

I am against the boycott that targets the integrity of Israel, in favor of the so-called "single state solution", which seeks to destroy Israel and replace it by a majority Palestinian state, says Professor Emeritus of Concordia University and co-president of Canadian Friends from "Peace Now", the Ph.D. Stephen Scheinberg!

This dream is my nightmare, part, flatly disagreed with the solution of two states for two peoples, which is endorsed by both parties to the conflict, the European Union, Russia and the UN! Shalom Akhchav either the Israeli movement "Peace Now", and all of the pro-Israeli peace opposed the boycott of Israel!

Boycott Amir Khadir, cons an honest merchant offering a product that is manufactured within the borders that are recognized by Israel, is far from being an honest critique of this country!

This is an action that is in vain and that it aligns with a movement that is clearly dedicated to the destruction of Israel! Amir Khadir

is found to be in the wires, which he defended the boycott of Israeli goods, citing precisely, Stephen Scheinberg! We see now that he took the writings of anyone, without taking the time to verify, to validate his thesis Semitic, since Mr. Scheinberg denounces the boycott of Israeli products, then
! !

The ridiculous censorship of an insignificant song

I adopt the final text of David Philip's blog-collective " the 7 Quebec "on this topic:

If there is a human right that is fundamental, it is the freedom of expression! This right, we have it, not because the state gives us, but because it is innate us! In a country that is truly free, this right is restricted in any way! We have the right to express our way of thinking in any way we want, even if it offends others, because, you see, it is impossible to please everyone and though you said there will always be other people who will disagree with you!

Disagreeing with you is their right, which is more strict, but it do not remove the right to express your own opinion even if it may be dismissive or even hate in the eyes of some! ! In fact, unless he can prove that your opinions are false and they are reached, in a concrete way, the rights of an individual or that you cause any danger, like yelling "fire" in a film without any reason that is valid, your freedom of expression should not be restricted In a country that really wants free!

Yet in Canada, freedom of speech is seriously jeopardized! Just now, one complaint that is made by a person who is outraged that something should be censored! This is what happened last week when, following a single complaint, it was banned the song "Money for Nothing "by Dire Straits, which, however, turned in all the radio stations for 25 years!

All because someone was offended by the use of the word "fagot", the best translation I can think is "fag"!

course, in the context of the song, it was, indeed, of a sarcasm, but it matters little to do-gooders who are imbued with political correctness! In fact, in Canada, all the excuses seem to be good to try to silence those whose views we dislike!

When Maclean's magazine has published an excerpt from the book "America Alone by Mark Steyn, who recounted his theory about the inevitable Islamization of Europe, this publication, as Mark Steyn himself, found themselves before the Canadian Human Rights, man, and before that in British Columbia, the time to say!

When Ezra Levant and his newspaper, or the Western Standard, have dared to reproduce some of the Mohammed cartoons that had sparked controversy when they were initially published in Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten IT is also found in front of one of our very laughable Commissions of Human Rights, that of Alberta, this time!

This week, a representation of the film "Iranium", a documentary on nuclear weapons development in Iran, was canceled because of threats allegedly received from a few extremists!

It seems obvious that multiculturalism, as well as political correctness, have seriously challenged the backbone of Canada and they have turned it into a kind of gelatin! But worse, I think if our bureaucrats are so willing to sacrifice our freedom of expression in favor of extremists who are marginal, that they have, perhaps, an affinity for their opinions, or have a hatred of themselves and their hatred own culture!

Canada was founded on liberal values, where human rights were considered to be granted by our creator and that they were inviolable! We have once been free and we were proud!

I can only conclude that this is no longer the case today

To shit our bureaucrats, here is the song that is cursed and that is reflected now in solidarity to freedom of expression in the right column of my blog and, more specifically, column entitled "My affiliations and causes that I support," !

Revolution David Cameron

Imagine that the government Quebec abolish the 18 health agencies and social services, as well as the 95 health centers and social services! Aside from eliminating two levels of structures, imagine again that the government gives the hospital administration, or 80% of its budget, general practitioners who are gathered in regional clusters, even enabling them to compete establishments private and public institutions!

is, exactly, made the announcement this week, British Prime Minister David Cameron restructures, from A to Z, the administration of health care, in his country
! He abolished, therefore, 152 Primary Care Trusts, along with 10 Strategic Health Authority! It will, thus, saving 20 billion pounds over the next four years, or 4% of the health budget, the United Kingdom !

His government, which promises to slash 81 billion pounds of cuts to rebalance public finances, undertake not to make any cuts in Health! He promises, therefore, to reinvest in this department there all money will be saved!

The National Health Service (NHS), who is the father, if not the instigator of almost all public health services in the world, including ours, is undergoing its most profound reform since its founding in 1948! ! He had become a bureaucratic monster, with its 1.3 million employees, making it the fourth largest employer in the world! Regardless of the perennial public-private debate, such an organization is necessarily complex, in addition to being expensive and being unproductive

British Prime Minister, he believes that his reform was inevitable and that his country can not afford not to do!

We could have made the same observation: the demand for healthcare rises, given the aging population, and technology costs, as well as those of drugs, are increasing! !

According to David Cameron, the status quo was untenable: "It's a fiction to think that by adding a bit of money every year, we're going to solve everything at !!!», he said

What is it?? It keeps the public funding, at the same level, and it is dynamite in the structures, to generate money that will ensure the future of the system!

Obviously, unions are against reform and doctors are worried of being vested, as of 2013, such a responsibility! Such reform will cause a mess, because of its size and because of the time! But the UK is it, again, giving us the example to follow, huh??

Thanks to Pierre Duhamel, for this information then

Always the same ones who have everything! The British have had Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair and they got rid of John James Carrion, is Gordon Brown, David Cameron for having them!

But Quebec has not Thatcher nor Blair nor Cameron!

Poor us

Barack Obama should he also take the seed, because the reform of David Cameron, is that the reform should have submit United States, so our southern neighbors have a true system of mixed public-private health care, the best health care system that we can not have !

The UK is found to spit on Obamacare with the reform of Cameron, while Obama has copied his reform of American health care system on the British and Canadian model! What a great irony !

Today, 5 years ago to the day, the Harper Conservatives took power in Ottawa, after 13 years of Liberal rule which been unchallenged and has been marked by scandal and inaction, unless one excludes the return to budget balance!

At the time, I do not blog yet, but I remember I was surprised to see the election of several Liberal MPs, in Montreal, while I thought that after the Gomery report, there is no people in Quebec who would vote Liberal

Instead, we preferred to invent a pseudo-mystery about how people vote in Quebec, while the mystery was explained, in a very simple disgusted by the corruption of the Liberals and tired of powerlessness of the Bloc Quebecois, the people of Quebec chose to try something else, giving the Conservatives a chance !

The key to the success of this government was the unification of the Canadian right which was previously divided between the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and the Reform Party of Canada which will, later, Canadian Alliance, which has led to three majority liberal! This unification of the Canadian right is well summarized by the columnist David Frum !

It gave, in Canada, one of the best governments in the past 40 years, whether on environmental policy , on energy policy , on foreign policy, either on relations with the United States and with relations with Israel, while without bending to the UN , on the desire to stop treating gun owners as criminals , on the desire to create an entrepreneurial culture, even if it was a failure, because of zartisss , the desire to give us a real judicial system , on deregulation of local telephone and National Defence, by increasing the budgets of National Defence and modernizing the equipment of the Canadian army !

I would be remiss not to mention, also, the establishment a true family policy , well as reducing taxes and reducing taxes , besides its position on financing the new Coliseum Quebec !

for her 5-year power I gives at Stephen Harper a note 6.5 / 10!


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