Thursday, January 6, 2011

Galanz Microwave Service Manual

Left, right! Left, right! Left, right!

In March 2007, reminds us of the journalist Mario Roy, the ADQ has 41 elected members, collecting one-third of the votes! We saw the reactions: "ADQ operates the same vein of intolerance than does the Front National in France," "The reactions are in vogue," "a lot of values xenophobic, homophobic and values values demagogues ", etc..! Finally, the most succinct and damning sentence: "Climb the right !!!»!!!

That one word, the "right" is sufficient in itself! It is at this point, if it is derogatory and, clearly identified to Evil (with a capital letter) that it is unnecessary to add anything, if the goal is to cleave or insult!

This outburst of animosity, which was almost unanimous, according to the media, was obviously a kind of democratic denial, says Roy! He used to lock in the dungeon of shame, that poor people who, up to 31%, did not "vote the right way"! He used to condemn "those citizens who were sidelined because they are not left or because they do not pretend to be" ("Be Right: a French taboo" , by the French essayist and journalist Eric Brunet)!

But there was something else, too, which raised concern over the long term, that a right-wing party can not have legitimacy and intellectual legitimacy media, Québec! ! Although it is popular! Even if it deviates only an unfortunate millimeter, the center area, from which all the governing parties, because we know that the right of Quebec is, by European standards or by U.S. standards, extraordinarily moderate ! It is neither religious nor moral and, in economics, she is "middle of the road" as the Slovaks say!

is all the more remarkable, says Roy, eccentrically, so even that is quite considerable, is very well seen on the left! Québec solidaire, whose intellectual status, as well as the media status is enviable, is there to prove

I find that this long fable is very interesting and it is also very enlightening! Indeed, because Quebec, after 50 years of leftist brainwashing, if the right is identified Nazism and it is so identified with the concentration camps, as well as the sound of boots brown shirts (cartoon I barely) than any political debate, on the left-right, seems almost impossible to conduct, without falling into clichés and without falling into the worst demagoguery dross!

It's as if I associated, ever, left the gulags of the USSR! Admit it would be, quite, ridiculous

Quebecers who do not even know the names of their elected , are of deep ignorance, when it comes time to juggle political concepts they scarcely mastered, for the most! Some do not even know the difference between the left and right in politics! For the average Quebecer, virtue is left, as the Good! As for the evil and desolation, they are located, is well known, the right of the political spectrum!

So we mix libertarianism, liberalism, conservatism, neo-conservatism, the liberal-conservatism, etc.., with fascism and Nazism, because the right is wrong! Why?? Because the media have told us! That's why

The confusion here is very well-personified by the President of the CSQ, Réjean Parent, who responds to his opponents with insults, with either Eric Duhaime or with Jacques Brassard or with the Freedom Network Quebec !

The same Réjean Parent said that in 2011 he would fight, possibly even the dues of its members, against the ideas of the evil right ! For even Patrick Lagacé, we can not call right-wing, calls Maoist, when he spat on François Legault, is that the president of the CSQ is not left, but the far-left !

This impression is timely, says Mario Roy, confirms that in Quebec, a policy proposal that can be classified as right is immoral, it is illegitimate and it is almost illegal in any case, that it is totally unacceptable in public space!

Consequently, the left is open to debate, but not with the right, only with itself

But when it comes time to talk about the left, then we do not interfere with social democracy socialism or communism, because, of course, they are left that are very different! In short, for the average Quebecer, there is a radical left, which is personified by socialism and communism, and there is a moderate leftist who, by the standards of Quebec, is personified by the social-democracy! Let


But then, why that distinction is no longer the way when it comes time to talk about right, huh?? Because for the average Quebecer who asked about the CBC or the Temple of the doctrinaire leftist, the right is a block that is monolithic, when, as is the case for the left, this is not the case at all! There are awkward, yes, but there, too, right! But that, it looks like the average Quebecer is unable to do this kind of nuance when it comes time to discuss, seriously, on policy issues that affect us, both nationally and internationally

Since yesterday, I watch a funny cockfight on the blogosphere!

First, planting the decor!

Following his appearance the issue Dumont 360, channel V, where he exposed the Manichean vision of the far left that divides the world between absolute evil which is embodied by a US-Zionist axis and the absolute good that is embodied by all plans that are more or less despotic and who are clearly enemies of liberal democracy and their "good intentions" that switch, as is the case with the boycott of the store The Walker, in authoritarianism and the denial of the diversity of views in the public space
, sociologist Mathieu Bock-Côté wanted to pursue his thinking in a text entitled "The ultra-left unmasked"!

The controversy surrounding the boycott of the store The Walker, he says, is "guilty" to deliver on its shelves shoes Israeli manufacture, does not seem to switch off, especially as Amir Khadir saw fit to join it, giving thus an advertisement that was unexpected, the member for Mercier with a little status conscious humanitarian Quebec political class!

Far from being anecdotal, this controversy is symptomatic of existence in our society, a stream of ultra-left that we must question the political philosophy, insofar as he managed to enroll in public space, and s' y position, permanently, by appearing in the guise of "the left", a term that allows him to hide his radicalism!

Before having a political project that is clearly defined, the ultra-left has a worldview analysis there! At the center of his imagination, there is a visceral hostility toward Western civilization, which is accused of exercising global hegemony on militarily, economically and culturally! The ultra-left to represent the West in the guise of the Empire, whose center is alternately placed in Washington or Tel Aviv, according to the obsessions of each! It is in this perspective that one must understand its anti-Americanism and anti-Zionism, especially since the United States, like Israel, seem less willing than Europe to take the rhetoric of Western penance!

If the ultra-left fantasy do more, like a few decades ago, on proletarian paradise, like China communist, it is an undeniable complacency towards those she imagines "resist to the empire," such as Iran of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Venezuela's Hugo Chavez! Not that it endorses the suspension of civil liberties that are guilty of these schemes, but it seems often prepared to relativize the name of new global geopolitical balance it desires, ardently!

That same frame of mind that brings the ultra-left to display its convenience for the thugs who are masked during international summits, she imagines by activists, serving victims of global capitalism! Similarly, several of its representatives, who show an undeniable intransigence toward any custom which is apparently "patriarchal", when Western origin, may come to express sympathy for the burqa and practices of sexual segregation it is! The reason? Although she is an atheist or even if it is libertarian, ultra-left is willing, to all the struggles she imagines to be in contradiction with the Empire!

The ultra-left has a weapon, or the demonization that comes with its lexicon: fascism, racism, imperialism, sexism, etc..! She uses it all the more effective it is confident of delivering a struggle that is to finish against oppression! Thus, the America of George W. Bush was equated with "fascism" and accused Israel of practicing "apartheid" against Palestinians! Obviously, those who express disagreement with the ultra-left are, necessarily, mercenaries, or even guard dogs of the Empire! They are no longer as valid interlocutors who are!

It is, every time, to caricature his opponent under the banner of radical evil, and in open war of good against evil, everything is potentially possible! Those who claim to fight against the Empire has no problem of conscience, persecute or defame those they reject it, even for traders only! In the name of a carnival and an anachronistic anti-fascist, ultra-left trying to stretch a cord that is sanitary, around his detractors!

course, and it must be remembered, the ultra-left is not all left-side concludes Bock! But his analysis is often recovered, so that is more or less offset by actors in the public debate which can not be denied the democratic convictions! It is precisely for this reason that it is the democratic left should be the first to call to order those engaged in radical opposition to Western democracy, as well as the civilization that irrigates this democracy

Shortly after, the CSN president Claudette Carbonneau, has an output that was quite remarkable! That which we had predicted the end of the world, with a Conservative government, which was at the rally in favor of the coup the opposition, a December 6, 2008, but which, however, failed to put the oil in its anti-conservative discourse, has literally surpassed, while stretching his words, which is synonymous with someone who has nothing more to say! Or, is the synonym of the left who speaks slowly, usually! John James Carrion does, indeed, abundantly during the economic crisis!

But, hey, it's funny to see Clau-Clau speak of ideological blindness, to talk about conservatives, as it continues to believe in the sacrosanct "model" Quebec nanny state that is failing Total

Clau-Clau said, now, like Réjean Parent, it will start to fight the right, such as the Freedom Network, Quebec, in 2011, probably her too, even the dues of its members! To me, it has already started his "battle", and well before 2011, as can be seen, listening to some of his previous speeches on the Internet !

This is the same Clau-Clau which, loosely, fled his responsibilities at the Caisse, as if it were an ordinary strip club, which meets the his actions by trying to silence journalists, as if we were in Cuba or Venezuela !

This is the same Clau-Clau who applauded the abolition of the Balanced Budget Act in 2009 !

This is the same Clau-Clau who advocates a drastic tax increase of $ 1 billion, to allow the government to "find" Income! What's left of the CSN has not yet realized, is that Quebec does not know a revenue problem but a spending problem !

short, according to the logic of Réjean Parent, as well as that of Claudette Carbonneau, if we live in a society that is about to hit a wall, cause the next implosion of his gargantuan deficit hanging over his head and over her children, it is because of the bad right!

If these same children will meet soon in a partnership p'tits old, due to reversal of the age, aging population (the "baby boom") and an ingrate annual rate of population growth of 0.7% on average over the next 20 years, and will even 0.5% during past four years the period that was analyzed by the Conference Board is due to the nasty right

If these same children in Quebec will, too, contribute to the QPP, and that their whole life, but without expecting anything in return since the fund will be empty in the RRQ 2037 (j 'get it, then, 49 years) is because of the nasty right !

If Quebec's public debt amounted to U.S. $ 223 billion and, if nothing is done, it will increase to $ 623 billion in 2030, according to the Conference Board, c ' is because of the bad right!

If government spending increases, year after year is because of the bad right!

If we maintain the current system in place, the deficit will rise to Quebec's $ 45 billion on average per year from 2030, according to the Conference Board is due to bad right! If

to absorb such a deficit with the formula of happy Raymond Bachand, the PST should be increased to 19.5%, which is quite, unreasonable, it is because of the evil right ! If the costs of our health care system account for 43% of the Quebec budget and said if these costs will rise to 63% in 2030, it is because of the bad right!

If within the next 20 years, spending growth will be greater than income, according to the Conference Board Canada, it is because of the evil right

If the average wait in the emergency room of Quebec, is 17.6 hours and if the dropout rate Quebec is at 11.7%, which is the highest dropout rate in Canada, according to Statistics Canada, because of the nasty right !

If the debt has never stopped growing since 2003 and if Quebec recorded the largest deficit of the consolidated across Canada, it is because of the evil right !

If the size of the Quebec state is larger than the Canadian average, though, from 2003 to 2009, spending increased $ 430 per capita per year, if the subsidies, which are expressed in expenditure per capita increased by 16.2% compared to a reduction of 33.5% in the rest of Canada since 2003, if, for 2010, 34.9% investments were public, though, since 2003, the size of the civil service has increased and, from 2003 to 2009, debt per capita increased by 15.5%, whereas for the same period of time, the has decreased by 21.0%, it is because of the evil right !

If Quebecers have a personal disposable income per capita is lower than that of Canadians, because of the nasty right !

Our debt stands at $ 223 billion! Each year, there must be at least $ 7 billion, only to service the debt! In Canada, we hold the championship of the province that is the most indebted! We rank fifth among all states who are most indebted, and this, worldwide! Before us, we find Japan, Italy, Greece, which is bankrupt, and Iceland, who is in default of payment! Not bad, is not it?? And half of that debt was used to buy groceries or running costs!

economist David Descoteaux is categorical: "We go into debt just to operate the machine to pay all employees to pay for social programs and to feed our herd of sacred cows! It is therefore unnecessary to believe that we will correct the situation by raising taxes, raising rates or by raising taxes! I repeat: we do not have a revenue problem, because we are already the most taxed in North America, but we have a spending problem! In fact, we have the unenviable title is absurd and is the state that is at once among the most indebted and most taxed !!!»!!! What

here, lucidly described in a few clear sentences, our sad fate of people who are overtaxed and is indebted

On the basis of this fundamental understanding, is the fact that we have a spending problem not a revenue problem, a government should make budgetary choices! If we except the short period during which the government of Lucien Bouchard acknowledged that our problem was one of expenditure, which gave birth to Operation Zero deficit, we must acknowledge that, Over the past decades, all governments have preferred to believe that we have a revenue problem, which justified the cascade of tax increases, the cascade of price increases and the cascade of tax increases which swooped down, year in, year out, the poor taxpayers are gouged up the thank you !

It was enough for snaps a virtual cockfight between the left and right!

In the left corner, armed with his pen acid, as well as all the beautiful dreams leftists, the famous blogger Louis Prefontaine who, although sometimes his writing is fair, especially in the language debate, trying as best that evil, we believe that right monopolizing power for over 30 years, while spitting on Israel and settling its accounts with Ian Senechal, a looming gray (sic) of the Freedom Network-Quebec, with Éric Duhaime and with Mathieu Bock-Côté

In the right corner, armed with a good dose of common sense, besides having the merit of giving a kick to the bear that was sleeping and is, in a sense, responsible for all this mess virtual journalist Michel Hébert trying, somehow, to set the record straight Time !

is well known that economically, I am closer to a Michael Hebert as a Louis Prefontaine, just like I'm closer to a Joseph Facal as a Prefontaine Louis! I often favor, Louis! But economically, the management of the state and Israel in particular, it is completely in error !

Louis vilifies also, Joseph Facal who wrote a recent article on Sweden! Sorry, my Louis, but even Sweden has renounced socialism !

In Sweden, it was liberalized in the mid-1990s, the equivalent of Hydro-Quebec and transport, as well as the postal service, have been entrusted to private! Moreover, people have now the possibility to withdraw from the pension system, as well as unemployment insurance system, to go to private !

In 2007, the government announced the privatization of 21 billion in assets, including those of the "V & S Group, the equivalent of the SAQ, which was sold for 5.6 billion euros, the French multinational Pernod Ricard !

The neoliberal reforms have also allowed the introduction of education vouchers and the private sector has an important place in the health care system! Regarding the civil service, the remuneration of government employees occurs, depending on performance rather than solely depending on the seniority !

Regarding tuition fees, saying that the situation in Quebec is different from that prevailing in Sweden, because I doubt that Swedish universities suffer from a chronic problem underfunding !

The worst thing is that Louis thinks anyone who does not think like him no political culture! Say what you want to Hebert and Facal, but they are never fallen, at least not in my knowledge in this kind of through!

Sorry Louis, but this one, you've escaped! For example, when I take the time to show you that no, Israel, the slightest trace of apartheid, the least you would consider my comments AND PUBLISH ALL MY COMMENTS, JUST NOT THE SAME THAT MAKE YOUR CASE, not consecrate thee in my mouth, just because I have the misfortune not to think not like you

Leashes these through-here by your former comrades in arms UHEC !

On the simple level of values, for example, it is recognized that the right favors freedom, and this, in all its forms: freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of worship, freedom of enterprise, individual freedom and responsibility it entails, political freedom, as well as economic freedom, which means that, practically and logically, the people, as well as political, will prefer the right, front societal problems, relying on the responsibility of the individual self, rather than resorting to government intervention! This is a distinctive feature that is essential and belongs to the right!

is, indeed, on the basis of such a test I can say that personally and, after having been for a long time, a leftist statist, I'm at now, right across the political spectrum, all without shame and without remorse!

Moreover, it is not because in Quebec we have become accustomed to designate as the "Québec model" that our welfare state is so different from other welfare states that found elsewhere in the world! Like other welfare states, it consists of a stack of policies, a stack of social programs and a stack of bureaucratic structures that are financed by high taxes and a debt that is unbridled, all in order implement equality, sometimes at the expense of freedom !

All this is now, of course, the social gains arising from a "social choice"! It's weird, but personally I do not remember having voted, or for a debt that is gargantuan, nor for the return of budget deficits, or for the establishment of a Mammoth state that is overprotective and wants to run my life for me, depriving me well, my freedoms !

This enhancement of equal results, often, egalitarianism, a sectarian doctrine that denies even the natural inequalities of talent, the natural inequalities of wealth and inequality natural results! That, unfortunately, where, and what, in many education systems, including ours !

But today, the welfare states, which have become U.S. Mammoths are invasive and are heavy, are in crisis and they are on the verge of bankruptcy! Bankruptcy filings, moreover, have already started: Greece did , well as Iceland , and now it's the turn of Ireland who moreover, was shot in the foot by adopting the principles of interventionism monetarist ! Portugal should follow soon , as Spain and France is, seriously ailing !

The United Kingdom, David Cameron and Nick Clegg were forced to leave the chain saw and go in all state spending, so that urgent action is was, significantly, feel ! Regarding the U.S., it's simple: it's a catastrophe !

And Quebec, you say?? Quebec approaching the abyss! Its debt is colossal budget deficits are back, its taxation is overwhelming and if it could not rely annually on $ 8 billion from equalization, for the most monstrous of Alberta, it would undoubtedly in the same mess are Greece, as well as Ireland!

Backing out of the impasse, if not for the hole, ideas, and that solutions exist, they are well known and they are right! It is the political courage to implement them is missing! In fact, I think, increasingly, that we will be compelled by a situation "in the Greek or Irish," to move! It will come sooner or later!

If you read, for example, the book by former PQ minister Joseph Facal, you will come to the conclusion that there is a political program that is comprehensive and that would stop the decline of the Quebec people! Read, especially, the six principles of governance that it sets forth, among other things: the "re-rooting of the Quebec nation in its historical experience, the rehabilitation of the" individual responsibility "and a greater concern for balance between "the state and market, as well as the resulting solutions, and you conclude that this is a program that is right across the political spectrum!

All these solutions are then widely known! There are piles of reports that are languishing on the shelves of the Ministry of Health, which offer them and describing them, far and wide! To quote the names of the economist David Descoteaux is, obviously, our more lavish "problem spending "!

But for decades, we continue to treat him as a "revenue problem" and this was the case even at the time of Operation Zero deficit! I remember very well, says Jacques Brassard, all government missions were regarded as "problems of expenditure, except Health! It remained a "revenue problem" because the government had continued to inject billions of dollars! I must, nevertheless, noted that the ADQ, which is again third-party, is the only party that supports and has always supported these major shifts in health!

I, especially, spoke of the health system as a huge "spending problem", but there are others: the services custody, for example! I already wrote that we had made a mistake by focusing on direct financing by the State, child care, rather than subsidizing parents who would, themselves, the choice of childcare! We know the perverse effect of such a policy was the bureaucratization, as well as centralization care services that are accompanied by rising costs, without, however, that parents have the right to adequate access!

Have you thought about parents who do not have tickets and must pay up to $ 25 per day, for a place in day care, huh?? Have you thought about the families who have a schedule that does not correspond to hours of CPE?? These CPE serve much of the population, but this is not the case for the majority! Why some parents would be entitled to a discount on their child care space, and not other parents, huh??

is completely illogical!

PQ abolished the amounts that were granted at birth, to fund PBS! What do families or whose wife whose husband wants to stay home, huh?? They do not need space in a CPE, and they have more allowance!


In creating these spaces for $ 5 and are now $ 7, previous governments have encouraged people to find places in the CPE at a low price, even if in some cases the parents remained at home to enjoy for $ 7! Because parents who do that, I know them and they would not send their children in day care at $ 25 per day, and during that time, other families who are poorer still waiting for a place in CPE, which will never come

But then, when I see our self-righteous scribes use the adjective "courageous" to describe the budget of the Minister of Music, Raymond Bachand, I find it very hilarious at the same time well demoralizing! But I know very well that, to consider things of the State, not in terms of a "revenue problem", but in terms of a "spending problem," the political class should show a courage that is foolproof ! Real courage, because it would mean that we should face the corporatism that govern the entire state apparatus, especially the health care system, it would blow up the sclerosing taboo, it would undermine statist orthodoxy and it would explode the myth of the evil which is, however, essential to the presence of private in Health, which is very far from being obvious!

To be honest, I do not think there is, within the existing political elites, a dose of courage that is appropriate to engage in such a mission! I'm afraid that we will continue to be a company that will always be, increasingly, in debt and always will be, increasingly, overtaxed! Is there an end to this journey of perdition?? Is there a wall on which it will eventually shatter the nose?? The example of Greece, that of Iceland and that of many other European countries suggest to us that yes!

But go further still: what is it that liberalism causes so much hostility among the alter-globalists of all hair at the Prefontaine Louis or Réjean Parent or Claudette Carbonneau, huh?? It should say, first of all that, writes the French essayist and philosopher Alain Laurent, "the cardinal principle of liberalism is the primacy of freedom and the primacy of fundamental rights of the individual "! This freedom lies at the heart of liberal philosophy, embodied on the political front, in democracy and it is embodied on the economic front, the market economy and the globalized free trade, which are all both, based on private property!

short, everything that is horrible, the Marxists of the alter-globalization movement: individual liberty, limited government coercion and the full economic freedom based on competition and on respect for property rights allow the enrichment of peoples!

It is, however, the application of this philosophy of freedom, from the eighteenth century, the United Kingdom, is launching an extraordinary process of economic and technological development, namely the Industrial Revolution! Nowadays, all countries that have successfully and who manage to extricate themselves from underdevelopment are those who have met and have applied the principles of liberalism and who have followed their savings in the trade that is globalized

Conversely, countries that are economically isolated and have believed in the benefits of protectionism are languishing in penury and misery !

more a country adheres to liberalism, says the essayist Swedish Johan Norberg, the greater its chance of achieving prosperity, to experience rapid economic growth, to enjoy a standard of living and a life expectancy that is high! Citizens of countries whose economies are more open are ten times richer than those whose economies are less free and live, on average, twenty years older !

Norberg demonstrates, too, and rightly, that poverty, contrary to what the alter-globalization, declining, in countries that have promoted economic Market! It has worsened, however, in countries that chose the economy and collectivized economy marginalized! What is more harmful to poor countries and underdeveloped countries is to get away from globalization! This, then, the loss is insured or for jargon as do leftist anti-globalization is the impoverishment that is guaranteed! What

deny the neo-Marxists of the alter-globalization movement is that liberalism and globalization have been declining, drastically, poverty in the world! But for those thirsty social justice that are full of compassion for the poor of the planet, poverty reduction is not enough: we must abolish

What is their magic, to eradicate it, nimbly, huh?? Simply take the foot-cons of all attributes that are critical of liberalism! Override the state compulsion to freedom, substitute collectivism to private property, override state planning to free competition and replace protectionism to free trade and you will get this "another world is possible" and that is dreamed by the flock of social forums and the thugs that are hidden! In fact, bric-a-brac ideology has a name: it's called socialism and it knows what it has given, or the Soviet Empire, as its U.S. satellite! With

, as a consequence, freedom is in tatters, economies that are in ruins, poverty, famine, the evil leaders, etc..! You're interested, this resurgence of socialism under the tinsel alter-globalists??

I say: no, thank you

After and, in turn, in his powerful hands, each individual, and after kneaded at will, "wrote political philosopher, historian and writer of the nineteenth century French Alexis de Tocqueville on the welfare state, in his work, worship entitled "Democracy in America," the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole society! It covers, for example, the surface of a network of small complicated rules, which are thorough and are uniform, through which the spirits that are the most original and souls are most energetic characters can not do day to rise above the crowd!

It does not break the will, but softened, bent, and he directs, he forced, rarely, to act, but he opposes, constantly, that they act! It does not destroy, it prevents existence, it does not tyrannize, it hinders, it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies reduced, finally, each nation to nothing more than a herd of animals are shy and are industrious, whose government is the shepherd


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