Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dark Yellow Pungent Urine

in the city industrial park Kenitra 50% completed

"Atlantic Free Zone, has already attracted investment applications whose amount has exceeded 1.5 billion dirhams.
Published: 25/01/2011

The development of very promising and long-awaited Industrial platform integrated (P2I) Kenitra, "Atlantic Free Zone, is progressing well.
prepared according to the latest situation of their progress, work on this P2I are half done, as the Regional Investment Center (IRC) in the region. This has already resulted, he adds, to attract investment in many applications export processing zone, whose amount has exceeded 1.5 billion dirhams.
It should be noted that this new industrial park and logistics is based on two industrial zones. The first is an export processing zone (199 acres) offering tax and customs benefits and the second open area (146 ha), is general and intended to house businesses mainly targeting the domestic market.

And this is especially the first, the export processing zone, which was the subject of requests for the more substantial investment, from several companies that will hire more than 1.5 billion dirhams at the time where the second, the Open zone, received investment intentions of the order of 63 million DH. Which will generate 300 jobs and 6700 respectively, said the ICC was quoted by the MAP.

This industrial platform spread over a total area of 345 ha in two installments. The first installment, which will be made on a gross area of 192 ha, will be ready around the third quarter of 2011, according to the ICC which states that the site surveys for the first tranche have been completed in both zones and off-site studies are made up to 90%.

Regarding the development works, they are advanced up to 70% in the Open field and 25% in the Free Zone, bringing the overall progress of work at 50%.
The city of Kenitra and the region of Gharb-Chrarda-Beni Hssen will soon not have to adopt a platform of new hospitality industry generation that will not fail to strengthen their competitiveness and attractiveness.

This will be an important achievement in the National Pact for the Emergence of Industrial 2009-2015 which aims to provide the country with a strong industrial sector.
To do this, this plan offers Morocco to formalize and capture the investment, both domestic and foreign, while concentrating efforts and investment on the global businesses of Morocco (including offshoring, automotive, aeronautics, electronics, textiles and leather, food processing), development of integrated industrial platforms, improving the climate business and the competitiveness of SMEs and adapting training to the needs of the labor market.

In addition to a selection of properties very advantageous and very competitive and offers a variety of services tailored to the needs of investors, the project also has an export processing zone. It consists of an industrial part and part logistics. The first house

mainly automotive but also export-oriented activities such as agro-industry, textile and leather industries metallurgical, mechanical, electrical and electronic including automotive, chemicals and related industries and services.

For logistics area, it has one train station, a dry port (transport by rail), offshore banks and a training center for automotive trades, which will be implemented in collaboration with educational partners and whose international architectural and engineering studies were completed.

Many benefits
Enjoying the free zone status, the new platform offers companies that implement them tax and customs attractive, including exemption from corporate tax during the first 5 years of activity and a reduction to 8.75% during the subsequent 20 years, in addition to an exemption from VAT and customs duties and simplifying customs procedures.
Similarly, the State offers various grants and subsidies, particularly through a single administrative dedicated to the new park, subsidies for the installation and training with a training plan for the establishment of a center training of automotive.

Compass Real Estate
The proponents' Atlantic Free Zone buildings offer and industrial premises turnkey office floors for industrial and services in all possible forms of transfer: Real Estate Leasing, leasing, purchase.

The promoter group of the platform's integrated industrial Kenitra, composed of MEDZ company, a subsidiary of Caisse de Depot et de Gestion (CDG) and the English company Edo ¬ nie World, has created a airline for the realization of investment in this platform called Atlantic free investment zone (AFZI).

By Lahcen Oudoud


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