Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sms Greeting For Newborn

Terror ecologist: the failure of the High Mass of Cancún, the New World Order environmentalists and healthy return of science!

I call this High Mass-matter of "eco-fascist" without shame, indeed!

Many agreed, since long before it starts, to say that the High Mass of Cancun will be a failure, that is to say that no treaty will be signed for the Following the sacrosanct Kyoto Protocol! According to the media and by supporters of the theory of anthropogenic global warming, the meeting should, at best, only lead, to small agreements, including commitments that would be formal, as compared to the promises of Copenhagen in 2009, and then Japan, Canada, Russia, the United States and China have already hinted they would not sign anything! The leaders of these countries did not even go there!

But, make no mistake about it, because, behind this apparent failure, of interest, definitely, not the media, major (serious) agreements have been signed! In any case, those who failed in Copenhagen have learned their lesson and they are more discreet, to get their plan that is indigestible!

Ironically, the lack of media coverage and general lack of interest people are, perhaps, though the cause of the militants who have been there, excluding any external distrust! Even the cold wave which raged in Cancun for the occasion, did not alert the media chilly chilly since it broke, here too, record cold, although there was still Far from the snow!

is a word that "Al Gore effect" manifested itself, once again, as many as some predicted or wished, secretly, about preserving the tradition! For those unfamiliar with the phenomenon, it is a cold wave that comes, ironically, all the important meetings on global warming, which participates normally Al Gore

I am not speaking here of the idea of recovering ecological blackmail on the table, Ecuador, at the beginning of High Mass that is to say, getting paid $ 3.5 billion, to do nothing, arguing that oil companies could exploit fossil fuels in the region and that's the price you pay (speculation? ?) by the international community not to give in to these companies and to preserve rainforests !

We turn, subtly, the discussion of evil greenhouse gas emissions, to the forest or to the pollution in general! To hell with the CO2, it has become unpopular, but as long as be met for something, as well find something and soon, eh ??

Note that I am not opposed to the protection of forests and, even less, the fight against pollution, but not in the format that is used for CO2, all with the way to the UN!

Not surprising when you consider that the forest can be very profitable for carbon credits, which the WWF hopes to pocket $ 60 billion, with purchase of large tracts of forest, if you can do inflate the value, with fear

We understand, too, that with the interest that points to forest protection, not to mention the influence of WWF, the IPCC , was placed in the foreground, the possible loss of 40% of the Amazon rainforest, forming thus the Amazongate! Since

ridicule does not kill you, know that the Deputy Head of the IIASA program for the study of forests, linked with global warming, is Shonali Pachauri the daughter of Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman IPCC! Okay, we're no longer a conflict of interest by then, one more or one less, eh

I do not speak, either, to ban water, as was done unintentionally, several participants of the High Mass of Cancún, by signing a false petition that would serve to demonstrate the Ignorance of these, as well as their desire to sign anything that says "control" their slogan, "It takes at all costs," saving the planet "or, Again, a "global effort" !

The letter demanded a ban on hydrogen monoxide (H2O), a bizarre request that several were quick to sign without knowing what it was and without even asking !

I do not speak, nor of an agreement for the destabilization of the U.S. economy, which is a dream shared by many environmentalists and many members of the High Mass, which more signed another false petition to that effect, which clearly illustrates their internal motivation to harm the economy of the first power of the planet! It is a belief that is far more than the science itself !

Finally, I do not speak, either, to propose a return to ration the years 1930-1940, to make the fight more effectively to global warming! A recent article, which, incidentally, was taken with great pomp by some extremists in Cancun, suggests a return to the great misery, to avoid pseudo-disaster !

During that time, the disciples green stuffed themselves, literally, in the sumptuous buffets, the ones who talk so much food rationing, and more !

I recommend also reading an excellent post by Jean-Michel Bélouve entitled "Climate Change: Policies that are based on pseudo-science" and was written in September 2009 and which was already showing it all !

Ottmar Edenhoffer, a major contributor to the IPCC, has, moreover, admitted candidly before the High Mass of Cancun, the objective of the UN, with all that, n ' was not ecological, but economic, in order to impose global redistribution of wealth !

In this New World Order, countries that are wealthy can produce CO2 at will, but they must pay a fee, through a carbon exchange! This money will be redistributed, in part, to countries that are poor, but there will be "administration fee"! To see how the UN, there will be many, because the vultures are already running around this big pile of money then!

But as warmism scam starts to falter, the lies no longer hold, the scandals surfacing and some people realize that this is a hoax, then the UN troops have found a new scam to scare people: the overpopulation of the planet
, the hobby of Maurice Strong and Al Gore than !

During a speech he delivered at the High Mass of Cancun, says Christian Rioux, Ted Turner, an American billionaire who owns CNN, suggested that the world should apply Chinese politics one child! Those who do not want to have children could "sell" their reproductive rights to others! He even suggests that the poor should be sterilized in exchange for government assistance! Note that Ted Turner has five children, like our Canadian Green David Suzuki, who advocates, too, the birth rate!

Regarding Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, in a speech he entitled "Innovating to zero" and he delivered, in Cancun, he suggested this: "Come, First , people! The world account today, 6.8 billion people! He heads, about 9 billion people! However, if we do a great job on new vaccines on health care and contraception, we lower it by 10% or 15 %!!!»!!!

But no real surprise, the High Mass in Cancun ended by an agreement! He had to, if we wanted to keep the "gravy train" on track and if we wanted to allow, at all these people there, a holiday in South Africa in July 2011 for the next meeting to be held in Durban!

And it was unwise to lose face before the world! He had at any price, to advance mine! Then, as in Copenhagen 2009, was quick to sign a paper and there was congratulated, feigning enthusiasm!

The good news is that the agreement does not include the annual payment of 1.5% of GDP, much less, the formation of a world government, as was suggested during the Grand Mass!

First, we look forward to seeing you in Durban, South Africa, to continue ... the chitchat! So in July, our politicians and environmentalists will continue their journey around the world, all at taxpayers' expense over the world! After all, the savior of the planet have a right, they too, at their annual vacation!

If, at least, this background Green used to address, effectively, with enormous problems that are real, as, for example, the shortage of drinking water affecting billions of people around the world, or, again, the real and very serious pollution problems, while in the West there for over twenty years, progress which is significant, in this area continue to grow in countries that are emerging and in countries that are developing!

Take the case of India and of China: these countries are growing economically trouvent, plutôt, absurde que les politiciens et que les écolos occidentaux se scandalisent et qu’ils soient horrifiés, par la hausse de leurs émissions de CO2, alors qu’ils doivent faire face à diverses pollutions qui sont, extrêmement, néfastes, au niveau de l’air et au niveau de l’eau, ce qui met, ainsi, en péril la santé, de même que la qualité de vie, de leurs habitants

Climate policy is only one facet of their incompetence and how they wasting valuable time in fruitless negotiations, all without ever taking strong decisions necessary, given the findings of successive failures that are and were, however, obvious, clearly demonstrates their inability to run their country! !

Should he save humanity from the ravages of climate, or should, instead, to save him from the absurdity of politics, eh??

can not say if

It continues, however, agree that we need to keep the temperature increase less than 2 ° C. This means nothing, for example, how?? We think even "consider" 1.5 ° C! What do all these people rejoice then! It is likely, that Mother Nature takes care of herself, anyway, and it will not be because he has paid money!

For Canada, we have the right to an announcement of a 17% reduction of GHG emissions by 2020 compared to 2005! Ouch!

If all goes well and if the trend continues, that is to say that global temperatures back to stagnation, as is the case since 12 years, now that the peak is due to El Nino is over, the sea level continues to rise linearly, as is the case for over 100 years where there has been no acceleration, as the Arctic continues to return, little by little, the land in terms of ice area since 2007, the Antarctic remained above normal in terms of area of ice, the total amount of energy hurricanes and the total amount of energy storms continue to be very low, the Maldives Islands maintain their stagnant water levels since the late 1970 that polar bears continue to multiply, they are 5 times more numerous than in the 1960s, and the snow continues to fall, contrary to predictions, we will then more likely that reality catches up enough of people and that this circus ends at the next High Mass to be held in Durban, South Africa!

Add to that the many scandals that erupt regularly, and splashing the IPCC, along with his followers, the new public hearings on climate science taking place in the United States, all with a new House of Representatives, the rise of verbal abuse from environmentalists, as well as some media, which only hurt their own cause, and the growing number of climate skeptics who make less marginal people who dare, like me denounce publicly the partisanship of warming, including scientists who report their own professional bodies, and I think that the scientific debate could finally see the light and I think that science could finally be delivered to the front Background of the debate, incidentally, is not closed, since there is no scientific consensus on the issue, whatever advocates of the theory warmism!


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