Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thank U For Coming Message

Tragedy Tucson: release Firearms and go to the source of the drama!

The shooting Tucson, Arizona, was a tragic event among many, if not policy had not been so close!

You surely everyone, since it spinne in all media, heard about the Democrat representative Arizona, Gabrielle Giffords, who was hit by a bullet to the head, over the weekend, while a guy who suffers, obviously, serious psychological problems, Jared Lee Loughner, has started shooting in a mall where she was to meet with citizens of his county!

Loughner fired several shots, killing, and for the moment, and injuring 6 people and 18 other people, including Ms. Giffords herself who at the time of this writing, is still in a state that is critical, but stable in hospital

Loughner Jared Lee, a young man of 22 who was planning his move against Gabrielle Giffords, since 2007, suffers, obviously, many : he liked to read Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler, as the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx , he likes to see on Youtube, the American flag go up in smoke, hear the sounds of a tirade anarchist , it is a staunch atheist, and a Truther , a "smoky pot that is far-left" , a frustrated George cons W. Bush and a lunatic who was dismissed by his school, which was rejected by the U.S. military, to have used drugs, and who dreamed of killing policemen !

It is Perhaps an anti-Semite, too, Ms. Giffords is the first Jewish representative to be elected, Arizona, and since he loves Hitler, one may ask!

But anyway, it's a very bad mix

Among the victims of the mentally ill, we find John Roll, a federal judge who was appointed by Republican President George Bush in 1991 , well a girl aged 9 years Christina Taylor Green, who was born some 11 September 2001 and has become, in some ways, in spite of herself, the face of this tragedy! The worst part is that his life began with a tragedy and it ended, abruptly, by another tragedy!

Poor little flower! When I knew it when I saw on television, the face of the Maid, as his parents were inconsolable in the face of such tragedy, I must admit that I got ripped the soul! It's as if I had entered a knife in the heart! This "Child of Hope" was destined to a bright future and he was snatched in a way that life is so cruel and so inhuman that is a strong feeling of helplessness that can come and live! !

I said, loud and clear: it is an unspeakable tragedy that is! It does absolutely nothing, using violence against people who are innocent and the defenseless!

How sad and, of course, tomorrow's Quebec offers its most sincere condolences to the families of victims of this unspeakable massacre, as well as their relatives

Leftists, like Gilles Duceppe joined forces with their worst enemies, or the federal Liberals are, however, the centralizers of the first order to defend this infamous Act on the Control of Firearms, which is a huge gap in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms!


Because the simple little suspicion that someone has a firearm that can not be registered, the police, searched his house, all without a warrant, while the principle of the inviolability of your house one of the cornerstones of the Canadian legal system as one of the cornerstones of the Commonwealth!


In Ontario, we used the Crime Act organized to enter the house, as well as property, a citizen who had, as a simple mistake, to resist the registration of his shotguns! It has languished, and in prison for 5 years as a common criminal, as if he was a member of a gang!

Bruce Montague is one of the many victims of gun registry!

Here in Quebec economist Pierre Lemieux and the speaker was prosecuted in criminal court for refusing to answer a few questions from the questionnaire and was, moreover, seized his arms! Today He has a blog that talks about the freedom to carry firearms, he also!

former alderman of the old city of Beauport, Fernand Trudel, he also resisted until the last minute to avoid having to save his little .410 for hunting partridge! He was threatened and he has received letters from the SQ and the RCMP, to encourage him to register his weapon, and this for a year and a half!

In 2002, the hunter Jean-Francois Laflamme was circulating quietly on a road of Saint-Maurice, when he was arrested by chance by agents of the SQ! His rifle was seized, we took his fingerprints and was charged under the Act to be in possession of a weapon that was illegal! His only crime was to not have renewed its federal license to carry firearms to lapse, after five years!

Overnight, it was transformed into a real criminal, although he had never done anything wrong! You risk jail, you, when you forget to renew your driver's license, eh??

horror stories like this, I can go out loads!

Canada became a country that is less free, thanks to people who, on one side, make imprisoning honest citizens who obey the law, but on the other hand, weep over terrorists like Adil Charkaoui Omar Khadr, Maher Arar and Amir Khadir, in addition to defend them, and this tooth and nail!

What's wrong, you

I remember also that even Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu, founder and former president of AFPAD who is now a Conservative senator, is against the Arms Register Firearms ! There is even no evidence that limiting the movement of firearms or that requiring the registration of these reduced crimes committed with the aid of a gun! That's a figment of the imagination and, in fact, even the opposite !

The numbers speak for themselves, says Francis Marginean the blog-collective "7 Quebec"! Where people have guns, les taux de criminalité sont bas, et, là où elles sont interdites, le crime est endémique!!!

On throughout Australia, homicides are up 3.2%, assaults rose by 8.6% and robberies have soared by a spectacular 44%! Only in state Victoria, homicides with firearms have increased 300%! It should be noted that the law-abiding citizens have had to abandon their weapons, while the criminals still possess! This is exactly the problem with this type of legislation: the little people who are honest and who is passive is found to be unarmed, while the criminals keep their weapons, as the authorities!

While Australian statistics showed a decline which was continuous for 25 years, armed robbery, it has drastically, changed up, last twelve months, since criminals know, Now, with a guarantee that their prey is unarmed!

No free man should be disarmed, saying, wisely, Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the United States and the third president of this great country! The laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes! Such laws make things worse for those who are attacked, and they make things better for the assailants! They serve rather to encourage killings, rather than preventing them, because a man who can be disarmed attacked with greater certainty that a man who is armed

The number of people who were intercepted and were exterminated during the twentieth century, because of the control laws Firearms, amounts to about 56 million !

It was the same, with tyrants like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Mao Tse-tung, who all sought to disarm their citizens, to better control and better ensure their own power ! Many victims of genocide could not defend themselves adequately with the resources that were needed to defend themselves !

Heinrich Himmler, Himmler-SS said one day that "Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or join the SA, but ordinary citizens do not need guns because the possession of these do not serve the State " !

On the other hand, there is Switzerland, where men aged 20 to 42 years are required by law to possess a firearm! The Swiss have, virtually, no murders and they have a crime rate which is extremely, low !

Another fact that is ignored by the media, is the link between the killings and the areas that have no firearms, as was the case of the massacre at Virginia Tech in 2007 , and the frequency with which we find these dangerous killers on drugs , as, for example, antidepressants !

In the dangerous world in which we live, guns protect the citizens against attacks and against the tyranny of the state! So it's not for nothing that the U.S. Constitution gives Americans the right to bear firearms! That, alone, for anyone who might be minded to impose a tyranny in their country, think about it twice !

The American people are the people who are armed with the most in history of mankind and there is a fear that is real in the circles of American intelligence-cons, including the FBI and DHS, as the miseries which are caused by the economic situation escalate into a massive public resistance! That is why the bill "HR 2159, The Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009" was born !

Barack Obama has already released its list of banned weapons !

His former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, had then said that if someone on the no-fly list "or the no-fly list, which can land, only to be "suspected" of being a potential terrorist or be connected in one way or another, by the government, it will not be allowed to own firearms!

"If you are one That no-fly list, your access to The Right To Bear IS Canceled arm, because you're not part of the American family! You do not deserve reasonably needed, There Is No right for you, if you are one terrorist list !!!», That was then, "said Rahm Emanuel

So it seems obvious that one can say that when people left in government care, as well as the power to control firearms, it shoots himself in the foot !

Owning a gun removes the differential is due to the relative physical strength of opponents, which plays a psychological role is significant in any power struggle, says Pierre JC Allard, the Publisher of blog-collective "7 Quebec"!


Having lived in countries where people are "armed," my opinion is well thought out is that there is less danger there than in countries that are comparable and where people are not

Now, here is what our media, Radio-Canada in mind, will never tell us, the tragedy of Tucson: the crowd, too, was armed!

As you may know, the State of Arizona is one of those where citizens can carry a pistol on them in public!

When news of this attack has been reported, for the first time, Fox News, the commentator said that after the killer is set to shoot another person in the crowd, drew, in turn, to the killer!

According to media reports, a woman would have jumped on the killer, while trying to reload his weapon, and two other men joined her and the gunman was subdued until the police arrive! !

No media is silent now, the fact that there was another person and that person shot the killer, which, perhaps, prevented others from being killed or be injured!

That said, I give you the first video report from Fox News!

haste to go and listen, before it disappears

If, unfortunately, the worst were to happen in his case, I think the greatest tribute we could make, Gabrielle Giffords, it would continue its struggle for the respect of inalienable right to carry a firearm, which she supported, loudly, that right as well as the entirety of the Second Amendment of the Constitution American states, black and white, that American citizens have the right to carry a firearm , due deference to the Council of Human Rights (pfff!!) UN (pfff!!) that does not even recognize this right, much less the right to self-defense if attacked !

Note, too, Gabrielle Giffords, a Democrat center, is against illegal immigration and the Daily Kos, a left site, Ms. Giffords has already accused of being too conservative !

short, the problem is not guns, much less the right to own! The problem is that Loughner is a madman who was cranked by hatred and that, unfortunately, we can not control the madness of a man! Unfortunately, he was obsessed by Gabrielle Giffords!


Some people point the finger at Sarah Palin who, during midterm elections of 2010 had placed on its website a map of U.S. counties where Democrats were targeted with a real shot at (pictured above), where Palin called his supporters to "not back", to "recharge their weapons" and "fire the first salvo" against the "enemies of the people"! These counties were the counties where Democrats are fielding candidates who are Republicans from the Tea Party and who were considered to be beaten!

County Gabrielle Giffords was part of the lot, Ms. Giffords even complained in March 2010, the climate of terror which put her and some of his fellow Democrats, "in the crosshairs of Sarah Palin, in addition she complained of being harassed for his support Obamacare!

Does it bear any relation with the folly of Loughner??

Yes and no!

No, because he was obsessed with Ms. Giffords and he planned his actions since 2007!

Yes, because the rhetoric is extreme, that is hateful, is surly and is based on resentment could exacerbate the worst feeling and it can cause, some people who are receptive, directly or indirectly, to these messages, reactions which can be fatal!

This does not mean that we should "regulate" the freedom of expression which, incidentally, is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution! Everyone can say what he wants, provided it does not cause damage to others! But the rhetoric that was used by Sarah Palin, with the history of the card and his shooting targets, can be interpreted in several ways! While such rhetoric may be confusing, among the spirits that are fragile, damage can certainly be caused to others, because we do not weigh enough, our words!

can not both call for verbal abuse and even physical violence against his political opponents, while making a call to arms against them, to then complain that militants who are probably more stupid than average and who are, for sure, totally, fanatics, decide to take action! It is, quite simply, irresponsible!

Around the world, you can see bloody examples of qu'emmènent speech that ignited against a political opponent, against a minority ethnic group and cons cons "others", not to mention their devastating effects! Political discourse can be, in itself, a weapon that is terrible!

can say what is the evidence anyway, the young shooter Tucson is disturbed, mentally, and dementia, not the current political climate that prevails among our southern neighbors is solely the responsibility of his actions! Either! But we can also say, which is further evidence that it is always the Cracked Cauldron which crack first, when it too hot!

No one will, perhaps, ever, if the violent speeches of the party of Sarah Palin, really pushed Jared Lee Loughner to his gesture, but what one knows, beyond a reasonable doubt, however, is that the virulent violence of this company is beyond the pale for some time

Violent speech that is aggressive, who are racist (remember this photo of Barack Obama in an African sorcerer !!!), who are homophobic or that are anti- Government, calls to rebellion, references to firearms and references to the attacks, all on a background of biblical mission and on a background of historical sacrifice, "said the journalist Vincent Marissal everything happening for some time, as to trivialize and reduce in futile and anecdotes about campaigns that are unacceptable in a democracy that is worthy of the name!

The irony of the matter is that Gabrielle Giffords has read, yet last week, crossing the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing freedom of expression which is unlimited, its citizens! She, however, acknowledged the risk of such freedom, in an interview it was granted in March 2010, after being "targeted" by Sarah Palin, because of his support for the reform of the health system

Damn, I'm against this reform, me too, but there are still a limit to intimidation to grab a few votes to win an election !

"We are in the crosshairs of Sarah Palin! There is a target shooting on our district! When people do this kind of thing, they must realize that it is not without consequence !!!», said Gabrielle Giffords!

She's right and she did, surely not say so, when she said it!

After she voted for the reform of the health system, a window of his office in Tucson was shattered, but it was not, again, to attack the semi-automatic weapon! ! Not anymore, it seems

I'm in 100% for freedom of expression but it must, nevertheless, take his actions as well as his words, especially when they are hateful and when are such a caricature of our political opponents into enemies that must at all costs, cut down, like dogs !

is politics junk in its purest form!

The problem is not the right to bear firearms, much less, freedom of expression! The problem is Sarah Palin and her gang crinquent Americans who are gullible (not all, thankfully!) and have installed a genuine climate of terror that is worthy of the early career of Adolf Hitler, our neighbors to the south, the Tea Party by infiltrating and using it to their advantage !

In wanting to cultivate the hatred of others, as well as xenophobia and racism, or simply, the violent rejection of ideas or that of men, it leads to such extremes that are the most barbaric

Originally, the Tea Party was a real popular movement that was born on the Internet, thanks to Internet who are like you and me, and who opposed the bailouts, bank bailout, the U.S. debt, the U.S. government deficit at Obamacare, violence and war in Iraq, basically, all in using facts, while blaming the problems facing America, both Republicans and Democrats!

It was becoming a third way politics and that is sorely lacking, the United States since the demise of the Whig Party! Moreover, this third way was connected with the spirit of the American founding fathers, and with ideas of the Enlightenment, which had not seen for a long time there, and which foreshadowed at the Tea Party, a bright future

Unfortunately, in the hope of returning in force for a presidential campaign in 2012, Sarah Palin took control of the Tea Party, by purging its libertarian elements, to place his gang of Jesus freaks!

Sarah Palin and his gang, Christine O'Donnell, the witch of Delaware, in the lead, have infiltrated the Tea Party and they use it to their advantage to give Palin, a political instrument for controlling the power of their sense of Wasilla and muse behind a pseudo-speech libertarian, he put their ideas ultra-religious, anti-ass ideas in all its forms
, misogynist extremist ideas, ideas right statist, militarist extremist ideas , their patronage is reversed and ideas segregationist or even racist , all with a crass ignorance, whether on the African continent or about seeing Russia from her window and which is conducive to a visceral hatred of intellectualism !

Remember that this is the same Sarah Palin who said, during the 2008 presidential elections, there was a "real America Republican, "along with a" fake American Democrat "(see note of 22 October 2008 at 9:54)! With them, the "real" Americans are those who think like them, regardless of the number of years and the number of generations whose family lives in the United States !

With Sarah Palin, the Utopia of George Orwell will become a reality , the land of the free and the home of the brave which have always been guided by the spirit of the Enlightenment , Palin does not believe itself, the Enlightenment! Any reports to the mythical-religious, for it !

When I say it is fascism that threatens the United States, if, unfortunately, this vacuum jug managed to get elected, too!

With Palin, fortunately that Americans are armed, yes!

The Tea Party has become an instrument of the fascists of Sarah Palin that even Glenn Beck is thick, itself by the way! That Beck was forced to correct Palin on the record of the two Koreas since, as she is innocent, she confused the South with the North and she found herself saying it supported North Korea !

is the compelling example of someone who has, strictly, not read anything of his life and someone who has never studied his life

Regarding the ignoble map with target shooting, Sarah Palin was removed clandestinely from its website , while erasing the comments on his Facebook account, which posed questions that, in addition to banish their authors, proof that, with it, censorship would reign as king and master, United States, in order not to undermine his dictatorial regime !

She feels the hot soup and that's why she does not mention the killing of Tucson and that's why on his video explanation, she pooped on journalists, while comparing the looks that link to it on all charges anti-Semites who have developed, over history, to claim that Jews killed Christian children to use their blood in rituals, proof of his anti-Semitism and it has nothing to do make Gabrielle Giffords, she is the first Jewish representative in Arizona!


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