Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ecr Beach Resorts In Chennai

The failure of international aid (bis)! / Sweatshops "Capitalist exploitation" is preferable to the alternative!

Emergency aid is effective, says Dr. Ricardo Seitenfus in International Relations! But when it becomes structural when it replaces the state, in all its missions, it leads to a collective lack of responsibility! If there is evidence of the failure of international aid, Haiti is! The country became the Mecca! The earthquake of January 12, 2010, and the cholera epidemic that followed, only accentuate this phenomenon !

A year after quake earthquake that destroyed the "pearl of the Antilles, it is clear that international assistance is not the solution, to help countries that are poor!

I wrote on this blog, on 1 August 2009, a ticket which repeated the words of Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Siena, Italy, Carlo Lottieri, head, too, the Institute Bruno Leoni, who vilified and international aid, in a text which was titled "The ecological agricultural lobby West wants it the death of Africa ???»!!!

Today, given the failure of international aid, Haiti, I reissue the ticket!

One conclusion of the Summit was organized by the G8, which took place in early July 2009, in Italy, was the decision to resume international aid to countries that are being development and, among other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa!

To counter this speech which is fashionable, it bears repeating that aid to countries that are poor is a sham! This is simply a false generosity that is financed at the expense of others, or taxpayers in Western countries, that transforms, immediately, to a solid support to regimes that have already done too much harm !

The irrational sentimentalism that the Heads of State of the West have used to impose the logic of international aid, a simply supported people like Jean-Bedel Bokassa and Idi Amin Dada as! Western politicians are self-congratulation of those decisions, but the consequence has been to increase the suffering in Africa! In the daily chatter that dominates, often, the Western press, the rhetoric of the aid is destined to always be preferred to policy choices that are responsible and designed to respect the dignity of women and men of Africa, allowing them to have a real opportunity for growth!

For Westerners, there is no reason to believe that we can give themselves a good conscience, by repeating programs that have already failed, the past is that we remove a little money to poor countries that are rich to give to the rich countries that are poor, as was wont to say, the English economist and leading expert in these problems, Peter Bauer!

All this may be enough to feel good and feel generous, but it does not help people who are suffering, because to intervene effectively, we must, above all, provide more opportunities , Africans and African communities! It is therefore important to understand the main problems of this world and it is important to intervene with great courage!

Contrary to what say the protectionists in Europe, it would be much more serious, with the aim of promoting African development, to abolish all forms of protectionism and open the door to a growing integration of savings! But all this does not please those who derive enormous benefits from the close of markets that are richer and even ecology activists, anti-liberal as the famous José Bové!

In an interview which is very recent, French MP, Parliament, has fiercely defended the subsidies that are intended for European farmers, a system which, however, prevents producers from other countries to sell their products on the Italian market, the French market, the UK market, etc.. ! According to Mr. Bove, "The world market is not a response to food", because it puts in risk the position and state infusion of European peasants and the bureaucracy who fatten at the expense the economy of third world at taxpayer expense and the expense of Western consumers!

Agricultural economic policy of the European Union consumes over a third of the stock of this institution, but what is worse is that it prevents consumers from 27 countries that make up to go to African producers to Asian producers, etc. .! The consequences are disastrous for everyone, even for French farmers or Italian farmers who, in recent decades, have lost their capacity as entrepreneurs, as well as their ability to be effective, being fed, by public subsidies!

To overcome this battle must be an alliance between consumers and taxpayers of the West and farmers and entrepreneurs in the South! Rather than give alms, to countries that are developing, we must give real opportunities to workers in Côte d'Ivoire and those of Senegal! But it is clear that to achieve this goal, we must have the courage to challenge the great ecological farming lobby which dominates in Europe and North America!

But the failure of international aid being, Now, the obvious, what Haitians can do to get out of the hole, the ones who have both experienced all the miseries that life has placed in their way, huh?? Take charge and stop waiting after a Savior would be already a good start! It is unbelievable that a year after the earthquake, there is as yet no street has been cleared!

Haitians must regain control of their country, as well as control of their freedoms, because the two do not belong to them more, and have been for a long time!

Again, shake Haiti has experienced earth was 7.0 on the Richter scale and has killed about 100,000 people! The problem is that, as noted, correctly, Donald J. Boudreaux, an economics professor at George Mason University in 1989, California (Bay Area) has also experienced an earthquake of a magnitude that was similar and it has only killed 63 people! !

Well, you will answer it, anyway, 63 people too many and you are right, but the comparison is there and it leads to a question we must ask himself one day: how is an earthquake of the same magnitude can cause havoc that are less important and cause a tragedy that is smaller, when it happens in California, compared to the devastation and tragedy that can result when it happens in Haiti, where almost all was destroyed, even the buildings that were deemed to be the strongest in the country, the Presidential Palace, for example, huh??

Well, this paradox is simply the difference is between A complete one-page form and that to complete a 50-page! In both cases it is a bureaucratic process, but the 50-page form is necessarily more time to complete and it is therefore more money to manage !

Haiti is open to freedom! Can it emulate the Taiwanese model??

30 years ago, the Taiwanese were poorer than Africans and they lived under the yoke of a dictator! Today, Taiwan is a democracy and high-tech industry has given the Taiwanese standard of living comparable to that of the West!

How did this miracle was made possible??

Taiwan has decided to embrace global capitalism! This documentary essayist Johan Norberg of Sweden, entitled "Globalisation is good" summarizes, in a remarkable way, how Taiwan has increased in one generation, sweatshops in the manufacture of computers!

Norberg explains, too, how the Vietnamese sweatshops made richer than they were, before the "invasion" of sweatshops in their lives, and it explains the consequences of protectionism, for countries that are poor
! It is imperative that this documentary is then translated into French, to then be distributed in Quebec !

But now, it happens that sweatshops are demonized by the left who consider these factories as the epitome of exploitation! It is obvious that, according to Western standards, salaries sweatshops are horribly low! But for a country that is developing, sweatshops are a gold mine, and a chance to survive!

According to a study by San Jose State University, the number of hours is necessary, in a sweatshop, to obtain the average weekly wage of the country is 9.1 hours in Nicaragua! In Honduras, this number is 9.8 hours! In Haiti, it is 14.2 hours! Dominican Republic, it was 20.0 hours! In Vietnam, it is 22.2 hours! In El Salvador, it is 23.5 hours! In China it is 26.7 hours! In Costa Rica, it is 27.1 hours! In Bangladesh it was 48.5 hours, and in Indonesia it is 61.5 hours!

in sweatshops in Nicaragua, a working week of 9.1 hours is sufficient to get the equivalent of average weekly wage! A Nicaraguan who made a working week of 60 hours will have a wage that is 650% of the average wage!

In China, a work week of 60 hours ensures an income that is two times higher than the national average!

In Honduras, the daily wage in sweatshops, is $ 13.10, while 44% of the population lives on less than $ 2 per day!

short, the fight against sweatshop is condemn people to poverty, which is perpetual! Fighting against sweatshops is to struggle against an economic development tool that allows to increase significantly the level of people's lives! Fighting against sweatshops is to fight against the move towards economic prosperity!

The West exploits person buying the products of sweatshops! Instead, we give to countries that are developing a way to get rich and give to their people, a way to feed

Close sweatshops and push in the throats of poor third-world, Western standards of work, as well as environmental standards, does nothing to remove them from poverty, says U.S. economist Steven Landsburg! Instead, it forces the poor to buy a lot of toys for the rich, such as clean air, clean water and recreation time! If you think clean air and recreation are not a luxury that is absurd, because we Americans, even the poorest among us are so rich, nowadays, we have forgotten that may be true poverty!

But to tell you this, it is likely that this is what your great-grandparents could have told you: when you're really poor, you can not afford things, like fresh air! Person in 1870 was preoccupied by the environment, America

The only crime multinationals such as Wal-Mart, which, thanks to the competition it creates, according to a report by Global Insight, American families, saving $ 287 billion, or $ 2,500 per household, which is higher than that can make any social program, the U.S. , that is the only private employer to provide the names of shareholders, employees, and is the largest employer of people who without it would be on unemployment who use sweatshops is to be the jewels of capitalism that is humanistic and allows work to give to the poor in the Third World, including children, so they can earn a living !

The same hatred is brought against another flagship of American capitalism: McDonald's, but that's another story, for the latest news, McDonald's does not use sweatshops !

Without work, children working in these sweatshops, might fall into prostitution to earn a living ! Or, then these children would work, while simply elsewhere anyway, but they are in worse jobs that are even less well paid or child pornography or outright begging on the streets! Multinationals such as Wal-Mart, helping these children out of poverty by buying products from these sweatshops! Personally, I prefer, generally, that the alternative !

Sylvain Dessy, who is a professor in the Department of Economics, Laval University, believes that banning child labor cause more harm than good! He looked repeatedly on the subject, often with his colleague from UQAM, Stéphane Pallage! Their study on the subject entitled "A Theory of the Worst Forms of Child Labour", created a shock wave, when it was published in January 2005, in The Economic Journal, although the impact was made bit feeling, to Quebec!

It will, incidentally, took about three years, the publisher of the UK, before agreeing to implement the said study in its pages, wanting, first, ensure the seriousness of the approach of both Quebecers!

Child labor in countries that are developing, "is not a mechanism of economic growth, but survival, without which life would collapse," says Sylvain Dessy, in an interview! The ban, without finding solutions that are viable, would cause chaos! Other studies had already made the same observation, including that of Carol Ann Rogers and Kenneth A. Swinnerton, a study that dates back to 2001!

In these economies with low productivity, she said, only families with incomes that are higher will be able to survive without the child labor

should see a positive view of the investment by the textile company in South Korea has decided to provide employment, Haitians, going to create 20,000 jobs North of the country!

By cons, it will be, well, enough to fill every need! Too many people in Haiti need to work and they are more than 20 000! So, the Haitians should not spit on what could be, again, their only salvation, in some areas of their country, "the dirty operation capitalist, "with sweatshops with child labor, to meet the needs of everyone

words, whatever we imagined disasters oath, ever, the égalitaro-étatico-gau-leftists, globalization has meant that we lived in a world that is better at 30 years ago! Bravo, free market !

To those I speak of the GINI index, be aware that this egalitarian fad is worthless, because the more a country's Gini index is close to 0, meaning perfect equality, the more said country is poor and most people who live there have a low life expectancy, then !

But for those thirsting for social justice that are full of compassion for the poor of the planet, poverty reduction is not enough: we must abolish it! What is their magic, to eradicate it, nimbly, huh??

Just take the cons-up of all attributes that are critical of liberalism! Override the state compulsion to freedom, substitute collectivism to private property, override state planning to free competition and replace protectionism to free trade and you will get this "another world is possible" and that is dreamed by the flock social forums and the thugs that are hidden!

In fact, bric-a-brac ideology has a name: it's called socialism and it knows what it has given, or the Soviet Empire, as its U.S. satellites, as consequences, freedom is in tatters, economies that are in ruins, poverty, famine, the evil leaders, etc..!

you interested, this resurgence of socialism under the tinsel alter-globalists??


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