Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Last December, the Royal Society of Canada released a report on the oil sands industry, study that is past, totally unnoticed in the Quebec media, probably because the findings contradicted the claims of our catastrophic ecological lobbies!

performs is how the oil sands industry, in terms of air pollution:

particles that are suspended are ranked 12th among the 21 industries, representing 2.0% of Canadian programming! !

oxide suffers ranks 4th in 19 industries, representing 7.4% of Canada!

Nitrous oxide is ranked 4th in 19 industries, This represents 4.2% of Canadian programming!

The volatile organic compounds that are ranked 3rd in over 20 industries, representing 9.2% of Canadian programming!

Carbon monoxide is ranked 7th out of 20 industries, representing 1.7% of Canada!

Carcinogens ranked 8th among 14 industries, representing 0.01% of Canadian programming!

Lead ranks 8th out of 11 industries, representing 0.3% of Canada!

Cadmium is ranked sixth among 12 industries, representing 0.6% Canadian programming!

Mercury ranks fifth among 12 industries, representing 2.0% of Canadian programming!

To become the industry's biggest emitter of air pollutants, the oil sands production should be multiplied by five!

In terms of pollution of the Athabasca River, the following figures:

Antimony: 0.15 ug / L, for an amount which is acceptatble of 6 ug / L!!

Arsenic: 1.2 ug / L, for an amount that is acceptable to 10 ug / L!!

Cadmium: 0.038 ug / L, for an amount that is acceptable 5 ug / L!!

Chromium: 1.3 ug / L, for an amount that is acceptable to 50 ug / L!!

Copper: 2.6 ug / L, for an amount that is acceptable to 1000 ug / L!!

Lead: 1.0 ug / L, for an amount that is acceptable to 10 ug / L!!

Mercury: 0.0039 ug / L, for an amount that is acceptable to 1 ug / L!!

Selenium: 2.1 ug / L, for an amount that is acceptable to 10 ug / L!!

Zinc: Less than 10 ug / L, for an amount that is acceptable from 5000 ug / L!!
All les données qui ont été recueillies, par les chercheurs, indiquent que l’exploitation des sables bitumineux ne menace pas la viabilité de l’écosystème aquatique!!! De plus, les prélèvements d’eau qui ont été réalisés, dans la rivière Athabasca, pour extraire le pétrole des sables bitumineux, ne menacent pas le niveau de cette dernière!!!

L’étude conclut, aussi, qu’il n’existe aucune preuve qui démontrerait que les rejets de polluants, par l’industrie des sables bitumineux, peuvent entraîner une augmentation des cas de cancers et, pour les gens qui ont une fertile imagination et qui s’inquiètent global warming, know that since 1990 the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that has been emitted to produce a barrel of oil was reduced by 39%!

Moreover, the extraction of oil from the tar sands, is only 5.2% of total emissions of greenhouse gases in Canada! The authors conclude, however, that rising greenhouse gas emissions that occurred in Canada, is not predominantly attributable to the oil sands!

Another fact that is interesting: the authors of the study observe that, if it took 602 km ² of forest, to develop oil sands, the hydroelectric project in James Bay, for its part, destroyed an area of 9715 km ²!

But one of the most interesting findings of the study is the fact that this business would be currently under-regulated! So even with a regulation that is said to be insufficient and even lax, the oil sands is not the nightmare that is described by the ecological catastophistes!


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