Friday, February 11, 2011

Media Fire Pokemon Soul


A new NASA study, which was published in December 2010, came to prove, in some ways, what we already knew, is that the computer models that are used by the IPCC, the CRU, which is the source of Climategate, and other agencies ecologists are distorted because they do not take into account certain factors which cool the climate, for example, the effect of plants that benefit from rising CO2 levels!

In summary, even if CO2 levels doubled, from 390 PPM to 780 PPM, there would be an increase of 1.64 ° C! Current models predict an increase of 2 ° C. If the rate reached 450 PPM!

Currently, there is an increase in the rate of 2 ppm per year! So it would take hundreds of years, so that we can get to 780 PPM! Note, too, that at the time of the dinosaurs, the CO2 PPM was 1800 and they lived very well! So while the link, between CO2 and temperature is not clear! The climate is complex and several other factors have an influence on the climate!

So the usual doomsday scenarios just take a hit! But, as usual, the Greens will ignore this information and they go, rather, continue their campaign of fear

I said before and I repeat: the theory of manmade global warming has become a dogma, as a religion! There is nothing more scientific, in that model, since the scientific method is put aside!

the side of environmentalists, we eliminate observations that are contrary to the theory, and it refuses any discussion that is contradictory! We treat all those who do not embark in this religion, of traitors and deniers, as that term is attributed generally to those who deny the Holocaust, saying they are paid by the oil or trying to involve them creationists! This

fundamentalism will end, eventually, by wearing a severe injury, ecology, as well as science! When science has demonstrated that it is not CO2 that is causing climate change, but natural cycles, people may reject the same science and ecology!

is normal, because the environmentalists say, for years, they use science to validate their theory, while, unfortunately, wrong! They use science, yes, but they select with great care, data that support their theory, while rejecting those who say otherwise!

This is, therefore, no real science! The environmentalist pseudo-science has ceased to be science when they started to manipulate data to fit the theory, as was demonstrated by the Climategate

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once said that skepticism is a betrayal and climate skeptics must be considered as traitors! In 2007, Heidi Cullen of the Weather Channel said that meteorologists who are skeptical of human influence on climate, should lose certification! So do not pose questions, if you lose your job! All this is, of course, the Climategate, as well as all the other scandals that followed, but were stifled by the media !

The REAL Science reveals secrets, but it did not create! The scientific method must be open and it should share its results with other scientists to study and verify the conclusions-cons! This is not what happens now! You must accept the results without seeing the data and not see the method that was used, otherwise you get stigmatized, and even attack!

There were even death threats that have already been uttered, against scientists who are opposed to the environmentalist dogma

Nowadays, if you are a skeptic about the litany surrounding climate change, you become suddenly a denier of the Holocaust, says Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace! The environmental movement is really a movement of political activists and members have become extremely, influential across the world! Any politician is aware of that, these days: you are left or center or right, you must pay tribute to the environment !

Such a situation is also detrimental to the true environmentalists: those who do not believe global warming is caused by CO2, but who believe in environmental protection, protection of eco-systems, waste management, the measures used to counter the pollution, etc..!

is discouraging, for true scientists, who are not idealistic environmentalists, who advocate critical thinking and who are being abused by other scientists who march in lockstep and are funded by politicians! !

Religion goes green, too, take a hit because many people have believed, all these new messiahs who convinced them that the world would run to ruin, because the average temperature would rise by a few hundredths of degrees per year!

Systems that are based on lies and manipulation can not continue to operate forever! Sooner or later the truth will surface and the consequences of this manipulation will have repercussions that will be very important!

In recent decades, our descendants will find that their elders were foolish to have believed such nonsense


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