Monday, February 7, 2011

Multiplayer Scattergories Online

Haro on totalitarianism environmentalist!

I have often said and I repeat : si jamais il fallait que, un jour, les doctrinaires écolos prennent le contrôle des États, en Occident, nous nous retrouverions très vite enfermés dans un carcan de contraintes et dans un carcan de coercitions qui seraient tellement lourdes que notre société pourrait, à juste titre, être qualifiée de totalitaire !!! Voyez-vous??? Pour les idéologues écolos, comme pour Lénine qui voulait forger l'Homme nouveau, l'être humain est, intrinsèquement, mauvais, en plus d’être nuisible et d’être malfaisant, comme le sont les coquerelles!!!

Il faut, par conséquent, require it to be good and be respectful of Nature
! His freedom must therefore be suppressed because he does that a misuse, that is the basis for "philosophical" doctrine of all environmentalists! Note that without being in power, the Greens have an impact that is so strong on the political-media class, they get decisions that are binding and which are absurd !

Thus we are forced now to use to bags that are reusable in several grocery chains, as well as the SAQ! In all other institutions, we will always ask you now if you want a bag! At the store, you put four items on the counter and the cashier asks you, so if you want a bag!

I wanted to tell him this: "Of course not! I'll shove those sections in my pockets !!!»!!!

But I still retain

Grocery stores we are now paying 5 cents for each plastic bag that will be needed to transport items from our store, or when we have to buy bags that are reusable ! We know now that reusable bags are not recyclable and are therefore less green as some people might think !

In the SAQ, the plastic bags were so good we could keep it long, for other uses, but you're done! If you forgot your bags that are reusable, you walk with a bottle in each hand, like a bum! SAQ saves on your back, but it can boast of being green !

Moreover, here we know now that the bags that are reusable are hotspots for germs, bacteria and gravy! Health Canada agrees, as it recommends, now citizens, wash carefully, their bags after each use ! In when a return to good old paper bags of old, huh??

The paper comes from a source that is renewable, biodegradable and it is recyclable! That is, truly green, but the green movement has understood that there is no money to do with this

Electric cars are another green utopia, since they are much more expensive than conventional cars, in addition to being less powerful, giving us less autonomy, of being sensitive to cold and take forever to reload! But the main problem is that electricity is used to charge the batteries of this type of cars there, must be produced somewhere though! If

, Quebec, is done in a way that is clean enough, through hydro-electricity elsewhere in the world, the majority of the electricity generated in the east central that run on coal or diesel and we must not forget the batteries contain chemicals that are toxic and which will, eventually, give up! The car

Electric has a real future, only when the petroleum products will become too expensive and when you will be satisfied with a solution that will be less interesting

Keep it to say, hybrid cars are less polluting than cars can be traditional ! If you want to gargle to be green, you're more likely to be a Hummer that spends much less energy than the Toyota Prius hybrid, according to a CNW Marketing Research !

Organic vegetables, another hoax Green, who require more intensive use of tractors, often returning to the earth, since organic farmers do not use products to control insects, as well the weeds, and they consume so much more fuel to produce vegetables that are lower quality!

Almost all companies use ecology as a marketing technique! Many products that are labeled as "green" are, quite simply, the better to sell with no real link with the environment!

They are trying to sell 4X4 that are hybrids, as "green" all cars are now "energy efficient" homes are more expensive because they are "Green", etc.. " ! There is no limit, because that is what the buyer wants to hear, then that's what companies offered

By the way, do you know the new concept that is fashionable, in eco-protectionism?? This is the 'food miles'!

According to this concept then, must, necessarily, buy foods that are produced locally, because the import of foodstuffs generates greenhouse gas emissions!

However, Lincoln University has addressed the issue, to discover that the concept is completely false! In a region that is not conducive to agriculture, as is the case of Quebec, the production of food creates more greenhouse gases than importing from a region that is suitable for agriculture !


Because the distance is not evidence of any in the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions! In a region that is not conducive to agriculture, we must use more fertilizer, which is a major producer of greenhouse gases, have a major mechanical work of the land using tractors, and using infrastructure that is more of energy, such as greenhouses and facilities that are heated!

For example, here is a comparison of greenhouse gases are emitted for the production in the United Kingdom against the production / import of New Zealand to the UK!


Production / import of New Zealand to the United Kingdom: 688.0 kilograms of GHGs per tonne of meat !

The concept of food sovereignty is a concept that is worthy of watermelons: green is on the outside, but red inside! !

Canada exports to every day, for $ 46 million in food, the United States, and these exports never say questioned the food security of Canadians

A green state, you can be certain, would ban GMOs and it would force agriculture to be organic!

This would, in the world, famine is assured! The only way to reduce considerably the use of insecticides and use of pesticides, as well as water consumption is the use of GMOs

True clean agriculture, says Claude Allegre, a prominent French scientist, passes by GMOs! If we had a productivity level of 1950, a culture which is, allegedly, bio, it would clear 24 million square kilometers of forest, to meet current food needs !

citizens when you vote Green, know that you vote for the eradication of the GMO and, consequently, the accelerated increase in the number of hungry in the world! Lovely perspective, is not it??

Over 500,000 people die each year in countries that are underdeveloped, due to dietary deficiencies that could be addressed, using GMOs, says Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace, like rice genetically modified to contain some vitamins! The fight against GMOs is a fight that is unethical

Another bad decision that was imposed on us by the environmentalists is the ban on the insecticide DDT! It all started in 1962 with the book of the American biologist Rachel Carson entitled "The Silent Spring" and claimed that DDT was dangerous to living things, particularly for birds !

Result: malaria, a disease that is spread by insects, has resumed its expansion in the world, and millions of people died, between 30 million and 50 million! A real genocide


Meanwhile, says the French writer and scholar Guy Milliere never harm of DDT to humans, for animals and plants under conditions of use are normal, has been proven! During that time, the number of people who died of malaria, stood him in millions !

Millions of deaths later, the World Health Organization (WHO) has finally recommended in 2006 that they're used to again, to fight malaria! Did you know that the clergy themselves environmentalists are repentant for this carnage, huh ??

The ecologists we have also imposed an energy system that is expensive, is inefficient, which is unreliable and is cumbersome: the wind! Three quarters of the time, these large wind-vires are immobile! Denmark, France, Australia, Spain and Germany, where we developed this industry, we realize today that this was a very poor allocation of resources!

But here in Quebec, it continues still, to squander billions of dollars in this form of energy, only to curry favor with environmentalists gurus

These few examples, says former PQ minister Jacques Brassard, are but trifles, next to what will result in a world that is subject to the Greens, the belief in the myth of global warming that is created by humans! This will, undoubtedly, a totalitarian state!

To reduce your personal CO2 emissions, you have no idea of obligations, constraints, requirements, interference, taxes, taxes and easements that will fall on your head, because for these madmen reengineering socio-ecological, freedom is a vice, and a blemish, it must be extirpated, the human species


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