Wednesday, February 23, 2011

High Waisted Jeans With Suspenders

multiplillet February

In the right corner, 65% of participants, Conference of RLQ, October 2010, had less than 44 years! In the left corner, 56% of employees who are unionized in Quebec are under 44 years!

The trend is far from benefiting the kings of the Socialist Alliance, because, from 1997 to 2009, the percentage of employees who are unionized and who are under 44 years fell by 14%!

Another Quebec is indeed possible, yes

Also, here is how does the right-wing organization which is so thrilled with our friendly Quebec union fear! Income of unions through membership dues, amounting to $ 700 million, while revenues Freedom Network Quebec amounted to $ 15 750!

It is clear that on the battlefield of ideas, the Freedom Network-Québec is the organization that has the most for your money! This organization shook the mighty empire union in Quebec, even if its budget is 44 000 times smaller than that of his opponents! This, then, a further evidence that trade unionism and productivity, it is like water and oil, or two things that do not mix

By the way, the inimitable CSN president Claudette Carbonneau, who has vowed to fight the right, in 2011, has also put on the back of the private sector, the numerous scandals that We know everyone in the construction industry ! is John James Carrion will be happy to learn that the CSN president considers that the PLQ is white as snow, in this story !

Note, too, that all dues, Quebec, corresponds to an amount that is estimated between $ 700 million and $ 800 million! This, then, an estimate, given that unions are not required by the government to make public their financial statements!

Yet under the law, this money is sheltered from the taxman! When will more transparency on the part of unions, eh?? Do you really think you, that unions would tolerate this kind of situation there, in private, eh??

Not in 100 years, ostie

It will take more than a thief of time of the CSQ, for he infiltrates blogs right, our friends association, to make us forget that their corruption is shameless, which is endemic and is paid out of union dues from their members !

The firecracker Francois Legault wet

Why I would write a long text on the manifest of Francois Legault, while Eric Duhaime has, frankly, done in my place, with substantially The same words I used, eh??

After several months of us languish, Francois Legault had, finally, last Monday, his manifesto! This is not the thinness of his eight-page brochure that leaves us, again, on our appetite, as well as the ambiguity of its proposals!

Legault and his 11 co-signatories spare the goat and cabbage in their manifesto!

They propose to decentralize, healthy, without opening the door to private, or even abolish regional agencies! They want to give more responsibility to principals, without having the courage to abolish school boards! They dare to introduce mandatory assessment of teachers, but they accompany a pay increase, to buy peace with the unions!

In this chiaroscuro ideological, each can decrypt the message he wants to find good! A real "left effective" how to make the change without having the courage to take the bull by the horns!

One element seems to be clear: The 12 coalition members turned their backs, divisions constitutional preference for a debate on the role of the state! It is the most important contribution of this group!

Polls indicate that ideas like Legault, people, and it would be acclaimed even if the Quebec election were held today, and where he would run! What a surprise! Do you know someone who is against reducing the debt, which is against the French, who is against an education that is better or which is against a health system that would be better, huh??

In politics, good intentions are always unanimous!

But to ensure a successful policy must, however, make choices, in addition to the sense of timing! However, Legault is still reluctant to commit themselves clearly, having missed a golden opportunity that was last fall!

The window of opportunity opened, then, to him! While the Liberals awash in scandals, the opposition struggled to get organized! The PQ, Pauline Marois's leadership oscillated and the ADQ, meanwhile, bandaged his wounds!

Today, Marois appears to be better sealed, it has been strengthened by a victory that was achieved in extremis, at the election of Kamouraska-Temiscouata! She won, no doubt, easily, his vote of confidence in Congress PQ in April!

At the ADQ, Gerard Deltell was, too, saw, since that time, confirmed in his position as party leader, he has pleasantly surprised at the election of Kamouraska-Temiscouata, and began to recruit big names around him! In short, the ADQ is out of intensive care and she begins to rise, at least in Quebec, where it dominates, again!

It remains, therefore, less and less political space for a new player that has no distinction is clear! It is therefore not surprising that so few people who are known and who are experienced people who have signed the manifesto of the Coalition and who have joined it!

The secret remains too wide, the intentions of Francois Legault, for what happens next! His Coalition for Quebec's future will turn does a political party or joins Does a political party already exists, eh?? The key to the mystery is now in the hands of the voters!

Legault and his cronies come to the water a ship, while by hoisting the sails! If a wave of excitement rises, it could cross the sea that separates it from the gates of power! Otherwise, it will have been a sword in water, as was the manifesto of Lucid Lucien Bouchard in 2005!

Now, to you, citizens, to solve the riddle

The Coalition provides very little vivacity in political debate! Its text is less powerful than was that of Lucid Lucien Bouchard and his association is less well put together that can not be that of the Quebec Network Freedom!

After months of rumors, I would have expected something more concrete, by François Legault and his company! Their text is in some ways, a bunch of cliches
! Moreover, after months where we saw Legault as the savior of the Quebec law, it started badly and his vision of Quebec rightists can not be trusted to represent them, on the political scene !

On the bottom of things, I agree with the text-founder of the Coalition! However, after reading it, I have not felt have found a new political movement that stands out clearly from what was said, for several years in Quebec!

The theme of the priority to education, the culture, the utilities and that of entrepreneurship have all been addressed by different political thinkers! The Coalition for the Future of Quebec did not impress me, either, when she vaguely addressed solutions: for example, would pay more than our teachers will address the fact that several of them already have problems with our language, eh??

When it comes to the graduates and that companies should provide more support for universities, how will they do if we're already in debt and if we are taxed so drastic, huh??

Placing new protectionist barriers, not putting too sacrosanct shake the bureaucratic structures that are unnecessary, such as school boards and health agencies, to leave the good old virtues of subsidizing more ecologists and artists as well as businesses, I am, moreover, wincing at the highest point!

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, since a group of more in the chessboard of political thought, not bad! By cons, in terms of appropriating the right label is missing so much, on the Quebec political scene, I say simply, they missed the train

Whatever our views on this, the fact remains that, as so aptly blogger Simon Leduc, the main problem manifests François Legault is that it is too vague and that it is too general! Francis Legault did not want to scare anyone! It seeks a social consensus and it does not offend anyone! I'm sorry, but Quebec does not need this kind of leadership, but a politician who will have the courage, as well as the determination to change things!

Quebec needs a leader who will do what he says and who is not afraid of offending the Association québécoise solid machine! We need a politician of this caliber and then a politician who has these qualities! Moreover, this kind of politicians, there exists only one only think David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, to Rob Ford, Toronto mayor, or that Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey!

I do not think Francois Legault is up to these three people there, as I do not think that his movement will be successful! Instead, it promises to be a sword in the water

David Cameron continues Revolution

While Quebec mired in Fleshwerks statist , the United Kingdom of David Cameron and Nick Clegg continues désétatisation ! ! After public finances , after tuition , after leftist violence , According to the health system and after pleading for liberalization of the European economy, David Cameron addresses two other cows in the United Kingdom ! !

He, first, snubbed multiculturalism, like German Chancellor Angela Merkel in October 2010 !

British Muslims must accept the values of liberty and equality, said David Cameron, when he declared that the doctrine of multiculturalism has "failed" and it will be dropped!

Entering the debate on national identity and religious tolerance, the Prime Minister Cameron announced the end of the "passive tolerance" of communities that are separated and he said that members of all religions must s integrate in society that is wider, and they must accept the basic values of the latter!

Being British means we believe in freedom of expression and freedom of religion, democracy and equal rights, without distinction of race, sex or sexual orientation, he said! By proclaiming a doctrine of "muscular liberalism", he said that all citizens, ministers to ordinary voters, must actively confront those who have extremist views!

He also said that groups that do not promote British values will no longer receive public funds and they can no longer interact with the State!

The speech he delivered before the International Security Conference in Munich, comes after the Daily Telegraph has revealed how the British intelligence feared the threat of terrorist attacks by British Muslims who are radicalized! Mr Cameron has also promised a new willingness to counter the extremist ideologies that are growing and some Muslims, to engage in terrorism, and "defeat" them!

That means the United Kingdom abandoned the idea that different communities are able to live according to their own values and their own traditions, as they do not break the law!

Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged the different cultures to live separately from each other and the rest of society, "said David Cameron! These parallel societies do not develop according to our values! We do not have given them a vision of what our society! We were unable to offer a vision of society that they want to belong! All Britons should believe the fundamental values of freedom and equality and all Britons should promote an active, these values, he said!

It implies that we must ensure that immigrants learn English and that all schools teach the "elements of a common culture and a common curriculum" to build "a common national identity for everyone, especially for young Muslims in Europe , many of them feel uprooted, he added!

British Prime Minister has admitted that because of multiculturalism, white people feel unjustly treated! He thus argued that racism and intolerance are wrong, "but, when seen or when practices that are equally, are unacceptable to people who are not white we were too cautious and we have been, frankly, too scared to report them "!

The speech comes after Baroness Warsi, the Conservative Party president, has sparked controversy, saying that prejudice against Muslims are widely prevalent and they are socially acceptable! Mr Cameron has, moreover, makes a clear distinction between "Islamic extremism" as a political ideology and religion itself: "We must be clear: Islamic extremism and Islam are not the same !!!»!!!

The government is currently revising the comprehensive strategy against terrorism, and social cohesion in response to concerns, to the effect that the state is working too closely with Muslim groups who disagree fully, to liberal values! David Cameron has also announced that in future, community groups will be examined to see if they promote democracy, equality and integration!

Those échouront the "test" will lose their money!

"No public money, no grandstands, with the ministers he !!!», said

This charge against multiculturalism took him to condemn another scourge which blights our world: Islam !

More recently, he said that almost all public services including schools and hospitals should be managed by private companies and foundations!

We need a change that will be complete, in public services, David Cameron wrote in a letter he wrote, the Daily Telegraph which is close to the so-called conservatives and whose letter was published on Monday!

The grip of state control should be released and the power should be entrusted to people, he added!

We all know the damage that is caused by services that are controlled centrally, "says Cameron, whether rates of cancer survival, educational achievement and crime, we dérapons for too long, opposite to countries that are comparable to the UK!

Public services should be open to providers that would be varied, such as private companies and charities, he says!

course analysis there, there are areas, like national security and justice, where it can not be done! Of course, the state will, again, a role that is crucial to play: ensuring that the funds should be fair, ensuring that competition is fair and ensure that everyone, whatever his fortune, has an that is equitable access to these services!

Cameron's letter precedes the publication by the government within a fortnight, according to the Daily Telegraph, "a White Paper "on" the reform of public services "!

Mr Cameron said his approach came in his proposed "Big Society", a project which aims to reduce the role of government in many areas!

In this context, the government introduced a controversial bill to reform the NHS, the public health service, which will rely more on private!

The coalition government consisting of Conservatives and Liberal Democrats set itself a target to reduce substantially all of the public deficit by 2014-2015! He, in particular, many departments cut a quarter of their budget by 2015

Really, when David Cameron will leave power, the United Kingdom will be unrecognizable and it will be for the better !


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