Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mount Blade 1.003 Trainer

This man is a furrier system! If you meet him in the street, do not try to master one! Second

What does all this bother him which is, in his spare time, our national garrocha ADISQ trophies, eh ?? Did he a fortune that is hidden in a tax haven, or is, rather, to protect one or more of his buddies zartissstiques, huh??

The case of tax haven that is the best known is, currently, that of Luc Plamondon zartisss, to avoid paying too much tax, has left France to live in Ireland for five years, countries offered from 1969 to 2006, tax exemption, its creators koooooouuuuuuultooooooooouuuuuuurels!

When Ireland has stopped this practice then, Plamondon was in Switzerland, becoming the proud owner there, a magnifique maison de 3,6 millions $ qui est située sur le bord du Lac Léman!!!

Est-ce qu'il y a un lien??? La clique du Plateau est tissée serré et j'ai, plutôt, tendance à croire que ma question se répond par l’affirmative

En passant, l’automne passé, Luc Plamondon est allé quêter de l'argent, à Ottawa, avec l'aide du Bloc québécois, dont son frère, Louis Plamondon, est un député de la première heure de ce parti-là, ce qui constitue, ma foi, une belle protection politique, pour lui!!!


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