Friday, February 4, 2011

Gay Cruising In Tehran

famine ravaging the world could it be eradicated with GMOs?? It's obvious!

must never forget: most poor countries are suffering from terrible famine! This is the case of Haiti, our people-brother !

Why is this so??

First, we must know that in Haiti, invest in sectors that are as sensitive as public health, agriculture, electricity, water and telecommunications requires a special permit! In general, natural resources are regarded as property State and mining activities require concessions, as well as possible! Inadequate institutional capacity, corruption and political instability discourage investment and, unlike an urban legend that is often conveyed by the left, foreign ownership of land is limited

In this context, it should not be surprised that simply feed people in Haiti, a task that is fantastic, since we can not cultivate the land, without a special permit!

Last year, the multinational Monsanto had done in Haiti, a donation of 475,947 kg of hybrid maize seed and 2067 kg of vegetable seed, which would be considered a gift from heaven for any country that is down! But this is not the case in Haiti, as the Minister of Agriculture, Joanna Ford, refused to allow the introduction of the seed then, because of the absence of a law that regulates the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)!

What idiocy!

We understand better now why Haitians are dissatisfied with their government

But GMOs are so evil they say??

Let's see what it is, actually!

Between 1996 and 2005, GM crops have resulted in economic spin-offs of $ 27 billion, mostly in countries that are developing!

Between 1996 and 2005, they have reduced pesticide use of 224 million Kg!

Only in 2005, they reduced production of greenhouse gas emissions by 9 billion kg, equivalent to withdraw from circulation 4 million cars

From 1996 to 2008, they have reduced the use of pesticides / herbicides from 352 million kg, which has reduced the environmental impacts of 16.3%!

From 1996 to 2008, they increased the income of farmers $ 52 billion, which helped enhance the income of farmers in countries that are developing, 50%!

In 2008, they reduced the production of greenhouse gases emissions of 15.6 million kg, equivalent to remove from 6.9 million cars!

In 2008, if GM were not available, it would have grown, extra, 4.6 million acres of soybeans, 3.5 million acres of corn and 2.2 million hectares cotton to maintain production levels!

In 2008, if GM were not available, the price of corn would have increased 5.8%, soybean prices have risen by 9.6% and canola prices have increased by 3.8%

Other examples??


China is the biggest rice producer in the world! Rice cultivation requires a lot of nitrate is a fertilizer, which generates a lot of greenhouse gas emissions! To overcome that problem, the solution is the use of genetically modified rice, which requires much less nitrate

The use of genetically modified trees would at mankind, to meet all its needs of wood, using, only 5% to 10% of the total area of forests on our planet !

Being against GMOs is just as stupid as to claim subsidies for production ethanol !

Me, I do not understand why the left and environmentalists are against GMOs!

If it allows children, whether in Africa or whether in Haiti who are suffering from food shortages that could fill in with GM and it reduces greenhouse gas emissions , which is the obsession of carbon warms, I do not see why the left and environmentalists lose face by opposing it foolishly!

Personally, if I had to have the choice not to eat all for, then die at age 5 and eat rice genetically modified to then risking cancer at age 40 (for example), I would choose, undoubtedly, the second option!

In fighting GMOs, that great hope for all mankind, both in terms of food as a human as an economic and environmentally, environmentalists and the left refused, the people of the country who are poor, the right to food, which helps these people to die of malnutrition or undernutrition or anything that comes close to it! This is genocide, pure and simple!

No, I do not understand why they oppose it! The left and the environmentalists do they want the death of Africa and one in Haiti??

If GMOs are so popular in countries that are developing because they can feed efficiently, population

The driving force for broader regulation that would be excessive for the cultivation of GMOs, says British politician Dick Taverne, is the cult of the "return to nature" that inspired propaganda against the agricultural biotechnology as a whole !

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture, 80% of wheat and barley crops in Asia and Africa are threatened by Ug99, a fungus that is capable of dealing with a ruthless efficiency, this kind of crops there !

According to the father of the Green Revolution, the late American agronomist Norman Borlaug (pictured above) is 10% of global cropland that could be decimated by this disease then! A disaster of this magnitude would cause famine, and everywhere around the world !

genes that would make crops resistant to Ug99 has already been identified, but, right now, all research programs have been halted because of the many laws that make it impossible to marketing GM !

Thereupon, your "thanks" should go to Greenpeace , at Friends of the Earth and to the Organic Consumers Association! Thanks to them, the next global famine is likely to be ecological and to be fair !

GMOs save the world from starvation! If the Greens were also crackpots, during the Green Revolution, I highly doubt that Norman Borlaug could have saved so many lives!

The ecologists, you make me want to vomit!

If GMOs are the key to eliminating hunger ravaging Africa, as well as Haiti, I think we should be foolish enough to not develop them, to feed the country who are poor and increase thus their life expectancy, while that in respect of the environment, because GMOs are environmentally friendly!

is a scientific breakthrough is significant

Some of the environmental lobbyists of the Western nations are the salt of the earth, but many of them are elitists, "said Norman Borlaug, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970! They never experienced the physical sensation of hunger! They do their lobbying, in a comfortable suite of bureaucracy, whether in Washington or Brussels!

If they had lived for only one month, amid the misery of the world is developing, as I have lived for fifty years, they would, calling for tractors, for channels irrigation canals and fertilizer and they would be outraged that the elitists who are in vogue among us, trying to deny these things, to countries that are developing

We need more of Norman Borlaug and not over José Bové !

The benefits of GMOs are well known!

The use of GMOs would have strong benefits for agricultural productivity:

First, there would be a better resistance to stress! If crops become more resistant to pest infestations, can mitigate the risk of crop failure, addition to other benefits such as improved weather resistance, such as frost, scorching heat and drought, although it would require manipulation of complex combinations of genes and control practices that would be appropriate to avoid a selective pressure is excessive, the pest!

Then, staple foods are more nutritious, because, by grafting of genes in plants such as rice and wheat, can increase the nutritional value! For example, genes that are responsible for producing the precursor of vitamin A were injected in rice plants, and they have led to the creation of "golden rice"! As rice feeds more than 50% of world population, it could help reduce vitamin A deficiency, which is a very serious problem in the developing world that is! A whole range of other products that are similar and aimed at bio-fortification are in the production chain!

Finally, farm animals would be more productive, because genes can be inserted in livestock to increase their milk yield, for example!

GMOs have, however, strong benefits to the environment:

First, it could be more food while using less land! Through improved productivity with GMOs, farmers coming generations could not be forced to cultivate as much land that is marginal!

Then GM could reduce the impact on the environment, food production and industry! Resistance to insects that are pests and diseases, resistance is born of genetic engineering, could considerably reduce the need for chemicals for crop protection, which is already a fact is acquired! Farmers grow corn, cotton and potatoes that no longer need the insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis, as they produce their own insecticidal agent!

Scientists are developing trees that have a lower content of lignin, a substance that gives them strength, cells of the bark! This could reduce the use of chemicals that are harmful to the pulp and paper! These techniques are not only cleaner, but they could also improve the health of agricultural workers, as well as that of industrial workers!

Then there would be a restoration of lands damaged or that are less fertile! Poor irrigation practices have caused widespread salinization of vast agricultural lands in the developing world that is! Genetic modification could produce varieties that are tolerant to salt! Trees could be improved or they could be modified to better withstand the salt, as well as drought! They could also be reproduced for afforestation and reforestation even desertified land that is!

research that are very outbreaks are ongoing in this area, but tolerance to salt and drought tolerance are the result of genetic combinations that are rather complex, which means that the results will take longer to achieve than for resistance insecticide and herbicide resistance!

Then ASIST biological recovery! Regeneration of damaged land could also be due to organisms that are selected to restore, soil, its nutrients, as well as its structure!

Then, the duration conservation would be longer, because the genetic modification of fruits and vegetables increases their shelf life and retard spoilage! This could expand trade opportunities and even prevent the massive wastage that occur during transportation and supply!

Finally, we are witnessing the birth of biofuels! The organic material could be modified to provide energy! The fuel that is derived from plant material or is derived from biomass is known for its huge energy potential! For example, cane waste sugar or those of sorghum provide energy, especially in rural areas! You could grow plants, this specific purpose, and we could find other products that would be useful and unexpected!

Finally, GMOs have strong benefits for human health:

First, we could see the studies of diseases that are more advanced, thanks to DNA fingerprinting! This technique is already used for animal diseases and for those plants, and it allows researchers to know an organization, with precision, identifying his DNA! One advantage is that the veterinary staff can tell if an animal is carrying a disease or if it has simply been vaccinated, which avoids having to slaughter animals that are healthy!

Then, new vaccines and new drugs may emerge! Like the development of biotechnological vaccines for humans, which has long existed, the use of molecular biology, for vaccines and drugs that are intended for farm animals, is very successful and it turns out, however, very promising! The plants are modified to produce vaccines, proteins and other pharmaceutical products! This process falls within the biopharmaceutical industry!

Finally, we could identify genes that are allergens! While some observers are concerned about the transfer of genes that are allergens, molecular biology could be used, too, to characterize allergens and remove them!

short, GMOs pose a real revolution, both on the scientific and humanitarian terms and in terms that support the economically and environmentally, and we do not to be afraid!

People do not die of GMOs! Quite the contrary, we saw!

live GMOs


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