Thursday, February 10, 2011

Orlęta Lwowskie Zdjęcia

environmentalist gurus Eco / The delusional obsession footprint

To fuel further reflection that I began last December, religion green, here are two ancient texts that were Written by former PQ minister Jacques Brassard, at the time he was a columnist for the Daily! And all this was written before all the scandals that have hit the IPCC reports and scientific data that feed into are disclosed in broad daylight !


Hubert Reeves has become the emblematic icon of the new green religion! Readers Digest had even dedicated in 2008 as the "Global Awareness par excellence! In 2009, the Quebec magazine Bel Age has made the "First savior of the planet"!

Since he retired as an astrophysicist Hubert Reeves donned the cassock of green guru, that is to say that a spiritual master whose sermons and prophecies are greeted by his disciples and the common mortals as the gospel truth! Hubert Reeves Announces Sixth extinction of life on Earth, and the head, Mankind would be! Delightful

Apocalypse, do not you think??

Obviously, it is also convinced that humans are the main cause of global warming, joining thus the renowned gurus like Al Gore, the catastrophic preacher par excellence, and other gurus, they are more local, like Jean Lemire, browser and Steven Guilbault, the cure!

You surely understand that I am impervious to gurus, and this, of all classes, both Barack Obama, although it is becoming very quickly a human being, as Al Gore or Hubert Reeves! Idolatry, in any field, I find it unhealthy and even harmful! I am impervious, if not, frankly, hostile to all forms of messianism!

subject himself to a guru, is to relieve the finest attributes of human beings: freedom of thought and critical thinking! So even if, as a guru, Hubert Reeves is the object of veneration is nearly universal, even if its image of sympathetic grandfather inspires a kind of devotion and even though his oracles are received as truths that are sacred, I remain, totally insensitive to his alarmist projections!

short, I am an infamous miscreant and a steadfast skeptic!

Hubert Reeves, however, said at the Bel Age magazine, "People are more critical"!

He said, too: "We no longer teach children to doubt everything and gullible abound !!!»!!!

Surprising statement, especially coming from a "spiritual guide" who, exactly, mobilizes credulous, who taught catechism, and which causes, among his followers, the bracketing of any critical

An anecdote illustrates the payment of a scientist who is retired, in religion! In May 2008, he met in the studios of Europe 1 reporter and the French writer Laurent Cabrol, who had, at the time, published a book that had an evocative title: "And if the Earth 's left it alone ???»!!!

In his book, Mr. Cabral calls into question the man's recent warming! Mr. Reeves did not read the book, but he apostrophe, though, the author, saying, "You demobilize people and you're an irresponsible !!!», to then walk away!

At the time he was a scientist in office, Mr. Reeves would have certainly had a rational discussion with Mr. Cabrol! But now, since he became a guru, he no longer discussed, but instead, he excommunicated

The creed of Guru Reeves rests on two pillars: a climate catastrophe, including humans is the only culprit, and a sixth extinction of life on Earth, including humans would also be solely responsible! These are, without doubt, the articles of faith and not assertions that are scientifically based! This apocalyptic prophecy

the Sixth Extinction reminds me of "Return of the Imam who is hidden among Shia Muslims: it is a myth that is not scientific!

There is, of course, nowadays, species that are endangered and should be protected! By cons, claim that thousands of species disappear every year without any evidence, is a sermon! Master Reeves argues, for example, that "the sharks and whales are now endangered and that polar bears are under threat"! This, then, an assertion which is purely free and not based on any fact that is observable!

The whale and the blue whale, says Eugene Lapointe, the author of "Panorama of wild resources of the Earth, are the only whales that deserve the status of species that are threatened. The great whales have been saved by the advent of electricity and the advent petroleum products!

course, recognize, from a guru anti-oil, as Reeves is, that thanks to technological advances and hydrocarbons that can have happened to whale oil and therefore, insure, and the survival of cetaceans is, strictly untenable, just as properly, impossible!

I know I commit a crime of lese-guru, as was the crime of lese-majesty of old, having the audacity not to join the crowd of sycophants of the patriarch Reeves! But what do you want?? I can simply not suffer gurus, and this, wherever they come from and whatever their ministry niche!

Idolatry disgusts me too much and the world does not realize that Reeves has long since left the rational world of science to enter that of the new contemporary religion: a mix of nature worship and hatred of humanity, all with a flavor that is apocalyptic


In 2008, two Australian doctors who were convinced to bring in climate science, an exceptional contribution proposed to impose a carbon tax on every new baby! After all, a small human, it breathes, it eats, it farts, it defecates and, later, the baby is ugly, no doubt, drive a car, to travel and, most likely, keep the vile habit of breed!

short, it will emit CO2! This is just one manifestation, among other things, the hysteria that gripped carbon science, as well as policy! Calculating the carbon footprint has become a delusional obsession! Nowadays, the least of our activities is peeled, so measure the amount of carbon dioxide we have recklessness issue!!

Not so long ago, couples who did not want to admit that for them, a baby was an embarrassment, and an inconvenience, proclaiming, with every wind, mine was discomfited , that it was impossible to "give birth to a child in this world of violence, war, consumerism, poverty, etc. .»!!!

Now they can add to the panoply of worthy sentiments, the refusal to create producers of CO2, it goes without saying, "saving the planet!

The Pharisees will always be legions, what!

But scientific delirium goes further still! Two American authors, a marine scientist named Paul Murtaugh and a statistician named Michael Schlax, have signed an article in the journal Global Environmental Change, which is entitled "Reproduction and Inheritance carbon Humans"!

I quote the summary: "We have paid great attention to the consequences of energy use for travel, for household uses and other activities that are routine on carbon dioxide emissions carbon and, therefore, on contributions to global warming! However, the choices of individuals, reproductive, are rarely included in calculating their ecological footprint! In this paper, we give an estimate of additional emissions of fossil CO2 causes an average person, when she chooses to have children !!!»!!!

Simply amazing!

There is a picture that is striking, which shows that, for example, you can save 148 tonnes of CO2, if you decrease the use of your car, and if you replace 10 bulbs of 75 watts, by 10 fluorescent bulbs, you reduce your CO2 emissions by 36 tons!

But if you are a child under your carbon economy is ... 9441 tons, exactly! It makes me cold in the back! You can you imagine?? Emphasis on the same footing, having a child and replacement bulbs! The world goes insane! I agree with you that stupid rambling will never be implemented!

But it illustrates the frenetic frenzy aroused by the belief that global warming is of human origin and, more human contribution, CO2 is considered not The cause is critical of the recent warming, the more obsessed with the activated carbon footprint and the more they give birth to anti-humanist nonsense!

warm them continue to acknowledge the human species to melt polar ice, through its activities that are emitting CO2! It would be better able to swim! However, all his predictions are wrong! In fact, the Arctic ice so little background in spring 2009, its area equaled the average value of reference!

Perhaps Goristes retort, but she is thinner! It is also, fake! The Alfred Wegner Institute, which is renowned for its expertise in the polar ice caps, completed in spring 2009 a research project on the thickness of Arctic ice!

Conclusion: "The ice cover at the North Pole, is thicker than expected !!!»!!!

Moreover, the Argo project, which uses for his experiments, 3325 tags, in the seas of the world, indicates that since 2003, the temperatures of the world's oceans are in decline! They cool, which is totally contrary to the predictions of the IPCC computer models, which are all programmed on the basis of the effect of anthropogenic emissions that is!

If politics, with its billions of dollars, the green movement of all trends and the IPCC is to say the UN had not, in terms of climate science domesticated ago long as the carbon would frenzy ended and specialists carbon footprint would be on unemployment


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