Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where To Buy 4 X 4 Rubiks Cubes In Malaysia

Me, Quebec agnostic Judeo-Christian culture, one of the core cultural structures of the West!

By cons, it's not because I have no faith that I would liquidate all of our Catholic heritage , although I denounce extremism shown by various headliners of this religion ! In fact, I must say that I am wary, more and more, proponents of secularism full !

Co-Head of Culbec suicidal, Françoise David, denies that our National Assembly prohibits the wearing of headscarves in public services! Let ! But its only MP, Amir Khadir, said in March 2010 that: "For me, the veil, not just the niqab is a symbol of submission and a symbol of domination of women by Man! It is a symbol that is archaic and should be thrown in the garbage of history! " !

Françoise David refuses, well, see, for longer, the crucifix that hangs above the Speaker's chair National Assembly, asserting that "his place is at the Museum" !

activists Quebec Secular Movement, says the columnist Jean-Jacques Samson, made absolute secularism a religion, they are fundamentalists ! !

course, QS defends lead a crusade! They do not want to get rid of the crucifix! They just want to move elsewhere! Of course, Françoise David is entitled to his opinion, but the fact remains that the National Assembly, it has resolved the crucifix in 2008 by passing a motion that, at the time, was adopted at the unanimously!

The motion read as follows: "That the National Assembly reiterate its commitment to promoting the language, history, culture and values of the Quebec nation, it favors the inclusion of everyone in our nation in a spirit of openness and a spirit of reciprocity and it demonstrates its commitment to our heritage and our religious heritage, which are represented by the crucifix in our Blue Room and our coat of arms that adorn our institutions !!!»!!!

Following this vote, we can be sure that the crucifix will not be moved, or the museum nor the attic

Why should we get rid of this symbol of our heritage and our religious heritage that is the crucifix of the National Assembly, while the niqab is to be tolerated in our public services , huh?? This ostentatious religious symbol that is not encountered he not service users of the secular state?? Reasonable accommodations, if they are one-way, it never works!

I repeat: I have not received the gift of faith, but I, nevertheless, learned to respect my history! Like it or not the ayatollahs of secularism in toto, the crucifix of the National Assembly, as a symbol of an important piece of our national identity must remain where it is!

It is not by removing it from the place where it is that we can gargle to be more secular than laymen themselves, even if I believed for a long time! Fading will not change anything, the situation! Instead, it will only increase the loss of identity and our roots go back to Quebec in the large lap Trudeauist multicultural Canada, where Quebec is absolutely nothing

Through the fight against the latest signs of Christianity, says the sociologist Mathieu Bock-Côté, what is challenging is Quebec's identity and his roots in Western civilization! ! Multiculturalism thus submits that Quebec is not a history but, rather, a blank page and that all cultural traditions should have the same treatment in the public space! But we know, in Quebec, as elsewhere, the company chlorination identity is very misunderstood and it generates a deep malaise that often look like a feeling of deprivation!

The task of the Court of Human Rights Movement and the secular is colossal!

Think about it: 400 years of history that is steeped in Catholicism, it leaves traces of all kinds, whether in traditions, in customs, in heritage, the monuments in the works art and values! But it gives also a legacy, a certain look on life, and a design World and ethics!

Jürgen Habermas, a philosopher, atheist, wrote, being quoted here by Richard Bastien, number 17 in the journal Amenities, that "Christianity, and nothing else, is the very foundation of freedom, of conscience, human rights and democracy, or the distinctive signs of Western civilization! To date, we can not rely on anything other than Christianity! We continue to drink from this source! Everything else is pure gossip postmodern! "Our

strain atheists are not bad, more obtuse! Moreover, this ethic, which comes from the gospel message is alive and well in the West! As shown by Frédéric Lenoir, in his book entitled "Christ Philosopher," "equal dignity for all, justice and sharing, nonviolence, empowerment of the individual in respect group, and the emancipation of women, with respect to the rights, freedom of choice, separation of politics and religion and the brotherhood of man "are values that are rooted in the Gospel message! !

Surprising, is not??

What will happen to his case before higher courts?? It's risky, because we all know, the decisions come from "government of judges" are far from always being respectful of our roots, our history and our identity !


What is the next step in this secular crusade, huh?? Does it will remove the cross is on our national flag?? Laugh, but it is, nevertheless, a job that we give to our children in the course of ECR!

Here, several symbols of religion are Catholic, also part of our history, that of our political institutions and culture in Quebec, our French culture and even our Western culture! Remove these symbols, it would be the equivalent of us condemn ourselves to exterminate!

Yes to public secularism, but not at the expense of who we are as a people!

It seems to me that this is not asking too much

If Quebec is really what humanity has to offer, dixit John James Carrion, then do not come alone, because its culture and traditions are to be taken or they are leaving !

Monday, February 28, 2011

Old Premium Bonds Have I Won

The unions have lost the war?? / The era of communications

Since I am entirely in agreement with these two texts blog-collective "The Analysts, "I present them at the moment !


With the settlement of the conflict, the Journal de Montreal, says Daniel Paquet's blog-collective "The Analyst", CSN has just lost its most great battle! If I worked at Couche-Tard, I'm wary of promises of prosperity, as well as the paradise that I would be available until the end of my days!

In addition, the CSN does not recognize any wrong! The problem is the current laws, and me, the selfish player, who chose not to boycott Quebecor's newspapers! According to CSN, I should deprive myself of the excellent surveys Dany Doucet and Andrew McIntosh and I should ignore the careful monitoring of Mathieu Turbide, to the waste of public funds! I, too, had to spend some tasty blog of Michael Hebert, excellent reviews Nathalie Elgrably and informed coverage of Taïeb Moalla, both on the events taking place in the National Assembly, as the popular uprisings that taking place nowadays in the Arab world!

us remember, moreover, that Moalla rang the bell, in this regard, Quebec, and well before anyone in a newspaper of Quebecor!

Personally, I do not think the lamentable result of the conflict, the Journal de Montreal is my fault, but it is an opinion that is very personal!

must, nevertheless, to pose the question: "At the dawn of the twenty-first century, should we adapt laws to the needs or desires, it depends, trade unions or the latter should they, rather, adapt to the realities of today, eh?? "


Today, if I worked in the media or in the arts, says Ian Seneschal of blog-collective "The Analyst", I'd be appreciative! I would wear a look that would beholder, on the news, on this Monday! I feel strong and I feel powerful! I would take time to relax and do a bit of philosophy! I would take time to reflect, to best use, effectively, the power that I have been granted because of the power, I would!

From the point of view which is, strictly, the media, an alien think that the conflict in the Journal de Montreal, was one of the worst that Quebec has ever experienced! The battle seems to have been bloody, because everybody talks about it! Anyone?? Actually, no: the actors speak in media and ordinary people, she ends up talking about and that's power!

The conflict has become emotional, no one can doubt it!

Yet, after all, it was a conflict that was rather mundane! I have seen worse in terms of suffering and in terms of financial insecurity! The "locked out" have found a way that was original to generate income, they had a strike fund which enabled them to "endure" the conflict for at least two years, as they said themselves!

Many people lose their jobs, but in the end, they receive an allowance from an average of $ 117 000, or 20 million U.S. dollars, for 170 unionized! In addition, Rue Frontenac will survive! I'm not sure that union members who are workers have all the luck in settling their labor dispute to them! Imagine, there was even able to drag the boss, before a parliamentary commission!

Definitely, Jean, said the welder, will never get this opportunity! Him, he will solve his conflict, loss, perhaps losing his job with no severance allowance, and no talk!

Another fine example of the power which, henceforth, communicators, in 2011, the Inquisition has undergone Francois Legault, Everyone talks about last night, before the artists! They are not all fools, artists! They, in their face, a guy who wants to be premier of Quebec! Even if we do not yet know with which party he will jump into the arena, we know he has good chances of being elected!

What are they then??

They spend their agenda, as follows: "It's important, Mr. Legault, eh, culture?? Eh, it generates revenue?? Every dollar that is invested returns more, eh, Mr. Legault ???»!!!

You do, surely, was not surprised last night to see how the carpet! Can we even blame him, huh?? The guy tries to start quietly, a political movement! Can he really afford a child crisis, with artists who are over-funded?? We know that this is not his style, so he lay down before them, and he was flattered, in the direction of hair!

I can not wait to see the 2013-2014 budget to be signed by Francois Legault me there!

You see it! Nowadays, it is not the value of the arguments that account! What really matters is to know what impact you can put your arguments in the mass media and, above all, what artist or what media will support your cause! Those who manage this feat the real power!

I'm starting to think that we need is a few comedians who assert the right in Quebec! We could perhaps get better at getting our message across! If you know one, tell him to call 555-5555! We will, we too, the power!

Oh, and I'd rather have, also, a humming that distorts the Pierre Lapointe! It works well, it also

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bye .... MADAM ...


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Do remember her smile, her cheerfulness, her humor, warmth, sensitivity that were either in complete IT


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mount Blade 1.003 Trainer

This man is a furrier system! If you meet him in the street, do not try to master one! Second

What does all this bother him which is, in his spare time, our national garrocha ADISQ trophies, eh ?? Did he a fortune that is hidden in a tax haven, or is, rather, to protect one or more of his buddies zartissstiques, huh??

The case of tax haven that is the best known is, currently, that of Luc Plamondon zartisss, to avoid paying too much tax, has left France to live in Ireland for five years, countries offered from 1969 to 2006, tax exemption, its creators koooooouuuuuuultooooooooouuuuuuurels!

When Ireland has stopped this practice then, Plamondon was in Switzerland, becoming the proud owner there, a magnifique maison de 3,6 millions $ qui est située sur le bord du Lac Léman!!!

Est-ce qu'il y a un lien??? La clique du Plateau est tissée serré et j'ai, plutôt, tendance à croire que ma question se répond par l’affirmative

En passant, l’automne passé, Luc Plamondon est allé quêter de l'argent, à Ottawa, avec l'aide du Bloc québécois, dont son frère, Louis Plamondon, est un député de la première heure de ce parti-là, ce qui constitue, ma foi, une belle protection politique, pour lui!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

High Waisted Jeans With Suspenders

multiplillet February

In the right corner, 65% of participants, Conference of RLQ, October 2010, had less than 44 years! In the left corner, 56% of employees who are unionized in Quebec are under 44 years!

The trend is far from benefiting the kings of the Socialist Alliance, because, from 1997 to 2009, the percentage of employees who are unionized and who are under 44 years fell by 14%!

Another Quebec is indeed possible, yes

Also, here is how does the right-wing organization which is so thrilled with our friendly Quebec union fear! Income of unions through membership dues, amounting to $ 700 million, while revenues Freedom Network Quebec amounted to $ 15 750!

It is clear that on the battlefield of ideas, the Freedom Network-Québec is the organization that has the most for your money! This organization shook the mighty empire union in Quebec, even if its budget is 44 000 times smaller than that of his opponents! This, then, a further evidence that trade unionism and productivity, it is like water and oil, or two things that do not mix

By the way, the inimitable CSN president Claudette Carbonneau, who has vowed to fight the right, in 2011, has also put on the back of the private sector, the numerous scandals that We know everyone in the construction industry ! is John James Carrion will be happy to learn that the CSN president considers that the PLQ is white as snow, in this story !

Note, too, that all dues, Quebec, corresponds to an amount that is estimated between $ 700 million and $ 800 million! This, then, an estimate, given that unions are not required by the government to make public their financial statements!

Yet under the law, this money is sheltered from the taxman! When will more transparency on the part of unions, eh?? Do you really think you, that unions would tolerate this kind of situation there, in private, eh??

Not in 100 years, ostie

It will take more than a thief of time of the CSQ, for he infiltrates blogs right, our friends association, to make us forget that their corruption is shameless, which is endemic and is paid out of union dues from their members !

The firecracker Francois Legault wet

Why I would write a long text on the manifest of Francois Legault, while Eric Duhaime has, frankly, done in my place, with substantially The same words I used, eh??

After several months of us languish, Francois Legault had, finally, last Monday, his manifesto! This is not the thinness of his eight-page brochure that leaves us, again, on our appetite, as well as the ambiguity of its proposals!

Legault and his 11 co-signatories spare the goat and cabbage in their manifesto!

They propose to decentralize, healthy, without opening the door to private, or even abolish regional agencies! They want to give more responsibility to principals, without having the courage to abolish school boards! They dare to introduce mandatory assessment of teachers, but they accompany a pay increase, to buy peace with the unions!

In this chiaroscuro ideological, each can decrypt the message he wants to find good! A real "left effective" how to make the change without having the courage to take the bull by the horns!

One element seems to be clear: The 12 coalition members turned their backs, divisions constitutional preference for a debate on the role of the state! It is the most important contribution of this group!

Polls indicate that ideas like Legault, people, and it would be acclaimed even if the Quebec election were held today, and where he would run! What a surprise! Do you know someone who is against reducing the debt, which is against the French, who is against an education that is better or which is against a health system that would be better, huh??

In politics, good intentions are always unanimous!

But to ensure a successful policy must, however, make choices, in addition to the sense of timing! However, Legault is still reluctant to commit themselves clearly, having missed a golden opportunity that was last fall!

The window of opportunity opened, then, to him! While the Liberals awash in scandals, the opposition struggled to get organized! The PQ, Pauline Marois's leadership oscillated and the ADQ, meanwhile, bandaged his wounds!

Today, Marois appears to be better sealed, it has been strengthened by a victory that was achieved in extremis, at the election of Kamouraska-Temiscouata! She won, no doubt, easily, his vote of confidence in Congress PQ in April!

At the ADQ, Gerard Deltell was, too, saw, since that time, confirmed in his position as party leader, he has pleasantly surprised at the election of Kamouraska-Temiscouata, and began to recruit big names around him! In short, the ADQ is out of intensive care and she begins to rise, at least in Quebec, where it dominates, again!

It remains, therefore, less and less political space for a new player that has no distinction is clear! It is therefore not surprising that so few people who are known and who are experienced people who have signed the manifesto of the Coalition and who have joined it!

The secret remains too wide, the intentions of Francois Legault, for what happens next! His Coalition for Quebec's future will turn does a political party or joins Does a political party already exists, eh?? The key to the mystery is now in the hands of the voters!

Legault and his cronies come to the water a ship, while by hoisting the sails! If a wave of excitement rises, it could cross the sea that separates it from the gates of power! Otherwise, it will have been a sword in water, as was the manifesto of Lucid Lucien Bouchard in 2005!

Now, to you, citizens, to solve the riddle

The Coalition provides very little vivacity in political debate! Its text is less powerful than was that of Lucid Lucien Bouchard and his association is less well put together that can not be that of the Quebec Network Freedom!

After months of rumors, I would have expected something more concrete, by François Legault and his company! Their text is in some ways, a bunch of cliches
! Moreover, after months where we saw Legault as the savior of the Quebec law, it started badly and his vision of Quebec rightists can not be trusted to represent them, on the political scene !

On the bottom of things, I agree with the text-founder of the Coalition! However, after reading it, I have not felt have found a new political movement that stands out clearly from what was said, for several years in Quebec!

The theme of the priority to education, the culture, the utilities and that of entrepreneurship have all been addressed by different political thinkers! The Coalition for the Future of Quebec did not impress me, either, when she vaguely addressed solutions: for example, would pay more than our teachers will address the fact that several of them already have problems with our language, eh??

When it comes to the graduates and that companies should provide more support for universities, how will they do if we're already in debt and if we are taxed so drastic, huh??

Placing new protectionist barriers, not putting too sacrosanct shake the bureaucratic structures that are unnecessary, such as school boards and health agencies, to leave the good old virtues of subsidizing more ecologists and artists as well as businesses, I am, moreover, wincing at the highest point!

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, since a group of more in the chessboard of political thought, not bad! By cons, in terms of appropriating the right label is missing so much, on the Quebec political scene, I say simply, they missed the train

Whatever our views on this, the fact remains that, as so aptly blogger Simon Leduc, the main problem manifests François Legault is that it is too vague and that it is too general! Francis Legault did not want to scare anyone! It seeks a social consensus and it does not offend anyone! I'm sorry, but Quebec does not need this kind of leadership, but a politician who will have the courage, as well as the determination to change things!

Quebec needs a leader who will do what he says and who is not afraid of offending the Association québécoise solid machine! We need a politician of this caliber and then a politician who has these qualities! Moreover, this kind of politicians, there exists only one only think David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, to Rob Ford, Toronto mayor, or that Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey!

I do not think Francois Legault is up to these three people there, as I do not think that his movement will be successful! Instead, it promises to be a sword in the water

David Cameron continues Revolution

While Quebec mired in Fleshwerks statist , the United Kingdom of David Cameron and Nick Clegg continues désétatisation ! ! After public finances , after tuition , after leftist violence , According to the health system and after pleading for liberalization of the European economy, David Cameron addresses two other cows in the United Kingdom ! !

He, first, snubbed multiculturalism, like German Chancellor Angela Merkel in October 2010 !

British Muslims must accept the values of liberty and equality, said David Cameron, when he declared that the doctrine of multiculturalism has "failed" and it will be dropped!

Entering the debate on national identity and religious tolerance, the Prime Minister Cameron announced the end of the "passive tolerance" of communities that are separated and he said that members of all religions must s integrate in society that is wider, and they must accept the basic values of the latter!

Being British means we believe in freedom of expression and freedom of religion, democracy and equal rights, without distinction of race, sex or sexual orientation, he said! By proclaiming a doctrine of "muscular liberalism", he said that all citizens, ministers to ordinary voters, must actively confront those who have extremist views!

He also said that groups that do not promote British values will no longer receive public funds and they can no longer interact with the State!

The speech he delivered before the International Security Conference in Munich, comes after the Daily Telegraph has revealed how the British intelligence feared the threat of terrorist attacks by British Muslims who are radicalized! Mr Cameron has also promised a new willingness to counter the extremist ideologies that are growing and some Muslims, to engage in terrorism, and "defeat" them!

That means the United Kingdom abandoned the idea that different communities are able to live according to their own values and their own traditions, as they do not break the law!

Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged the different cultures to live separately from each other and the rest of society, "said David Cameron! These parallel societies do not develop according to our values! We do not have given them a vision of what our society! We were unable to offer a vision of society that they want to belong! All Britons should believe the fundamental values of freedom and equality and all Britons should promote an active, these values, he said!

It implies that we must ensure that immigrants learn English and that all schools teach the "elements of a common culture and a common curriculum" to build "a common national identity for everyone, especially for young Muslims in Europe , many of them feel uprooted, he added!

British Prime Minister has admitted that because of multiculturalism, white people feel unjustly treated! He thus argued that racism and intolerance are wrong, "but, when seen or when practices that are equally, are unacceptable to people who are not white we were too cautious and we have been, frankly, too scared to report them "!

The speech comes after Baroness Warsi, the Conservative Party president, has sparked controversy, saying that prejudice against Muslims are widely prevalent and they are socially acceptable! Mr Cameron has, moreover, makes a clear distinction between "Islamic extremism" as a political ideology and religion itself: "We must be clear: Islamic extremism and Islam are not the same !!!»!!!

The government is currently revising the comprehensive strategy against terrorism, and social cohesion in response to concerns, to the effect that the state is working too closely with Muslim groups who disagree fully, to liberal values! David Cameron has also announced that in future, community groups will be examined to see if they promote democracy, equality and integration!

Those échouront the "test" will lose their money!

"No public money, no grandstands, with the ministers he !!!», said

This charge against multiculturalism took him to condemn another scourge which blights our world: Islam !

More recently, he said that almost all public services including schools and hospitals should be managed by private companies and foundations!

We need a change that will be complete, in public services, David Cameron wrote in a letter he wrote, the Daily Telegraph which is close to the so-called conservatives and whose letter was published on Monday!

The grip of state control should be released and the power should be entrusted to people, he added!

We all know the damage that is caused by services that are controlled centrally, "says Cameron, whether rates of cancer survival, educational achievement and crime, we dérapons for too long, opposite to countries that are comparable to the UK!

Public services should be open to providers that would be varied, such as private companies and charities, he says!

course analysis there, there are areas, like national security and justice, where it can not be done! Of course, the state will, again, a role that is crucial to play: ensuring that the funds should be fair, ensuring that competition is fair and ensure that everyone, whatever his fortune, has an that is equitable access to these services!

Cameron's letter precedes the publication by the government within a fortnight, according to the Daily Telegraph, "a White Paper "on" the reform of public services "!

Mr Cameron said his approach came in his proposed "Big Society", a project which aims to reduce the role of government in many areas!

In this context, the government introduced a controversial bill to reform the NHS, the public health service, which will rely more on private!

The coalition government consisting of Conservatives and Liberal Democrats set itself a target to reduce substantially all of the public deficit by 2014-2015! He, in particular, many departments cut a quarter of their budget by 2015

Really, when David Cameron will leave power, the United Kingdom will be unrecognizable and it will be for the better !

Monday, February 21, 2011

Elderly Women Open Girdles

Strike prosecutors: the reflection of a judicial crisis that is unprecedented and that benefits to criminals and mafia of this world!

Now, just behind what the government likes to present as a pure monetary claim of "ungrateful" employees in a context of "austerity" economic, even if he managed to find, like magic, silver to pay for assisted reproduction and to pay the whims of Régis Labeaume, Quebec , are the poor working conditions that are given , Crown prosecutors, and make finally a great service, criminals and mafia who abuse the system, fraud, corruption and which is organized by the collusion that is organized !

These criminals and the mafia, some of them have even parade last fall, before the Commission Bastarache, as if nothing had happened, are delighted to have to face a Crown is weakened, which is ill-equipped and must do its job, with so few resources !

lack of resources, the judiciary Quebec, which is a sovereign function of any government is unable to serve, appropriately, people! In 2000, the year which is the latest in the statistics, there were in Quebec, 3.41 per 100 000 inhabitants prosecutors, Quebec finishing well behind British Columbia (8.07) behind Manitoba (7.41), behind Nova Scotia (7.28), behind New Brunswick (5.73), behind Ontario (5.49) and behind Alberta (4.63 )!

The result is:

Median time which has elapsed, in days, to complete a case before the criminal courts (2008-2009)

Quebec: 184

Nova Scotia: 127

Alberta: 120

Ontario: 118

Newfoundland: 116

BC : 104

Saskatchewan: 98

New Brunswick: 84

Edward Island Prince Edward Island: 30

Percentage of trials in criminal, with a verdict of acquittal

Quebec: 13.1%

New Brunswick: 2.8%

British Columbia: 2.4%

Nova Scotia: 2.1%

Alberta: 1.1%

Saskatchewan: 0.9%

Edward Island Prince Edward Island: 0.7%

Ontario: 0.6%

Manitoba: 0.4%

Newfoundland: 0.2%

That situation has been denounced by prosecutors Quebec! By their own admission, lack of staff meant that people who are guilty go free, with a verdict of acquittal !

The Crowns Are our union Solidarity that we will get rid of the corrupt regime of John James Carrion, huh?? Maybe, who knows ??

One thing is for sure is that the crisis of confidence is likely to increase now that the government will commit the blunder of declaring the conditions of employment of prosecutors and lawyers! Because of this, a shower of resignations has exploded between, on the Crown, including the right of BLACO, Claude Chartrand! It is not to say the Crown resort, extremely weakened, to that story, courtesy of the Liberals! Strange way to give back the crown to citizens, especially when you think justice is inextricably linked to democracy! We must not delude ourselves: by attacking and, prosecutors, as well as lawyers, John James Carrion addresses the quality of our judicial system and, therefore, once again, health Republic of Quebec to leave the field open to his corrupt friends!

Instead of negotiating in good faith, with his attorneys and with his lawyers, the government preferred that the pot he jumps again, in the face! Well, this time, it will be ugly, because the spring in the Arab world may now make up Carrion and I will be attending this popular uprising, so that Quebec dislodged the plutocratic dictatorship that oppresses him, for almost 8 years already!

Quebec, support the prosecutors, as well as lawyers in their struggle against the government! They are surely those who trigger the Revolution Quebec

Friday, February 18, 2011

Two Implantation Bleeds Twins

Prime multiplillet February

This comment was sent over the blog Maxime Bernier, at the height of the storm that unleashed! He erased later!

It proves, at least, he will not be criticized on his blog, even if done so politely and even if it comes, in some ways, a ideological ally!

This time, Maxime Bernier, you shocked me! Yes, you managed to shock a guy who defended and who shares the vast majority of your economic ideas, as well as your climate-skepticism! You shocked me, by your vile remarks on Bill 101, which is even more, for all purposes that are practical, since last fall, thanks to the care of our corrupt government of Quebec!

Doing so will greatly embarrass me, for you create the dilemma of joining the whole horde of States which, since all these years you dragged through the mud and when I do not want to associate myself, for God knows how much I hate their preconceptions of gau-statist left, or, then, let it tarnish, keeping his arms crossed in front of the show and until its total extinction, the language of our ancestors which I still think it still deserves to be protected and it deserves to be defended and even that is fighting for, for preserve it!

This time, Maxime Bernier, you missed your test balloon! You have not measured the consensus surrounding the protection of the French language, on the land of our ancestors!

With this kind of statement is reckless and oozing arrogance as well as contempt for your language, your government is paying the consequences, as demonstrated by the aftershocks that you are sent, On behalf of all Quebec politicians, whether they are separatists or federalists, whether left or are on the right, even if you express yourself as an individual!

You would have liked give a great opportunity, Gilles Duceppe, to appear white knight defense of Quebec that you could not do otherwise, yet I do not support the Bloc!

It proves, at least, that you misunderstand the concept of two solitudes, as well as the language crisis raging on the island of Montreal and its suburbs on the island of Laval, to say nothing of our history

Maxime Bernier is not the fool that we are told, says sociologist Mathieu Bock-Côté! It is, rather, a politician who works hard to undo most of the consensus that are inherited from the Quiet Revolution! The logic behind his reasoning, we know: it is the libertarian philosophy is based on a vision that is minimalist state, the right to choose the person becoming, well, the only horizon is a legitimate public action!

The libertarian right has for some time focused on critical socio-economic development of Quebec model, it has accused of hindering economic prosperity! His conviction Quebec model overflows Now, on another aspect of the legacy "statist" the Quiet Revolution: the language laws! This rejection is accompanied by a disqualification that is more generalized to the national question!

The thing is revealing, because the libertarian ideology, in its expression which is the most popular seems, now, take root among us, in a condition that is singular: self-contempt that has long represented dark side of French-Canadian culture! This pathology is reactive, today, through a desire for Americanization, that is, in particular, identifiable in the radio in the city of Quebec, where Quebec's culture is generally equated with mediocrity!

is what I have called elsewhere "the emancipation of English"! We dream to speak English "without an accent," although we do not know where is spoken in the world, this English without an accent, to better mask from Quebec who is perceived as shameful, and thus is dissolve in a culture that is believed to top! We dream, especially, dissolution of particularism Historic Quebec in the North American environment! At best, the difference is relativized Quebec! At worst, it denigrates the difference!

In neither case, does not assume this difference and can be heard, much less to recognize a scope which is the founder!

Quebec culture is presented as a framework that is suffocating and that should be overcome! It is thus that we can understand the claims that are, increasingly, pressing for the bilingualism of the younger generation! The desire anglicized is more or less, ranked among the fundamental rights!

Libertarianism covers, and a desire that is, more or less avowed cultural disaffiliation! The new right ends, thus, compete with multicultural left, to the deconstruction of the Quebec identity! This

expatriate mental, however, the bearer of a paradox, because the new right that libertarians cling, without being the only component found, through this Americanness is claimed, the old bottom of the Western identity of Quebec, which has been obscured, the quiet revolution that has often been tempted to reduce Quebec's identity in its sole Francophone dimension!

Its leaders began thus to hold a speech on "Western values" of Quebec, and rehabilitate the issue of "Western morality", which is obviously bound to be negligible, by multiculturalism ambient, for which "living together" is not enough of the great principles that are contained in the Charters of Rights!

The New Right tries thus to the criticism of reasonable accommodations! She succeeds thereby to capture a dimension of the Quebec identity that is often overlooked by his defenders that are more formal, which are associated with the sovereignty movement and are an exclusive attachment to the French, ignoring the historical background in which he rooted!

One could even say that the new right takes the more the question of reasonable accommodation that it abandons the defense of French!

can risk a strong hypothesis: the politics of identity that is unique to the new right is perhaps the distorted echo of a cultural crisis which is, increasingly, easily recognizable, even within the francophone majority! Today, it is less English than multiculturalism that Quebecers worried! This is probably why the issues are related to secularism, the Catholic heritage and mores of Western Quebec mobilize further opinion that the future of French!

It should, however, not delude ourselves: the substrate western Quebec's identity, which wants to return the new right is inseparable from the French, who is not a "communication tool", among many others! Quebecers are neither Slovenes, or Germans, or Americans!

All are, however, Westerners! French is his character that particularize the Western identity of Quebeckers and that his defense that characterizes the fabric of our national history, in its deepest dimensions!

Dissociated, the French language and the substrate western Quebec identity poorer, respectively! Language, without culture, no more future that culture, not language!

According to a Leger Marketing Le Devoir, 61% of Quebecers cons tax cuts for businesses ! Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff make good milage on it, in order to make promises in areas of provincial jurisdiction, such as daycare, caregivers and education , but even so, as so aptly economist Claude Picher, he evacuated, and several things!

If you look at the statements by the Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff, says Claude Picher, the Harper government risk not survive the filing of its next budget, next month! Mr. Ignatieff seems determined to bring down the government on the issue of corporate taxes!

recall briefly what it is! When the Conservatives were elected in 2006, the federal tax rate on corporate income was 19%! This rate has not budged for three years! In his February 2009 budget, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced that the said rates will be lowered to 18% from 1 January 2010! The following year, in his budget March 2010, it announced two cuts, or 16.5%, by 1 January 2011, then to 15%, a year later!

On paper, each percentage point represents a shortfall, approximately $ 1 billion for the government! But there is one point which is important: we speak here of the general rate of tax is one that applies to all companies! It is, therefore, no way, just to make a gift to "big" companies, as is an opinion which is widely portrayed, especially by the NDP! Mr. Ignatieff promises, if he is elected, the next Elections to cancel the tax cuts!

At first glance, it's obviously a workhorse that is likely to be popular! He did not find many people to feel sorry for the fate of companies! Yet when we look, more closely, the Liberal promise is inconsistent, it is irresponsible and it is empty of meaning!

It is, first, incoherent, because it goes exactly in the direction which is otherwise tax policies that were implemented by the Liberals when they were in power! Paul Martin, Minister of Finance at the time, was firmly convinced that cuts corporate taxes had more advantages than disadvantages!

From 2000, when its flexibility has allowed him, Mr. Martin has announced no less than five successive reductions in corporate taxes, which rose, and from 28% to 19% in six years! The promise of Mr. Ignatieff is, therefore, for the Liberals, a volte-face that is hard to understand!

Then the tax rate is one factor, among many others that affect budget revenues coming from corporations! We have just seen: the rate increased from 19% to 18% on 1 January 2010! However, during the first eight months of the year is underway, that is to say from April 2010 to November 2010, or the latest figures available, the corporate tax has reported 14.4 billion $ in Ottawa, compared to $ 12.7 billion for the period corresponding to 2009, an increase of 13%!

If incomes rise at the same time as the tax decrease, because the economic situation improves, as employment increases, since it has created 327,000 jobs in Canada for a year, as consumer confidence, as companies increase sales, etc..! Yet it is precisely that the taxes are high impede job creation! Since 2000, the year the corporate tax rate was almost twice as high as now, the Canadian economy created 2.5 million jobs!

While we can not attribute all these new jobs to tax cuts that were made to businesses, but they certainly have taken one part that is important! Thus, the government recovers easily, the shortfall resulting from tax cuts for corporations! In this sense that Paul Martin, in time, saw more advantages than disadvantages! Back, in this case, as suggested by Michael Ignatieff, is irresponsible!

Finally, its promise is meaningless, because it ignores a reality that is very simple: in our tax system, only individuals, like you and I pay taxes! !

Certainly, companies, who are people Corporations are paying, too, of the tax, but they pass on, inevitably, to individuals!

Suppose for a moment that Mr. Ignatieff is elected and he fulfills his promise immediately, the business tax bill will increase! You are an entrepreneur: what do you do?? You can consider this tax increase as a new expenditure and, thus, adjust your price accordingly! In this case, it is consumers, is to tell your clients, who pay taxes!

You can also reduce your expenses, either by compressing wages or reducing hiring, or by restricting your supplies! In these cases, it is workers, your employees and your suppliers' employees, who will suffer! You can also do nothing of all this, and thus to assume the invoice by the company! In this case, it is the shareholders who pay taxes!

is why governments, not just federal but also the provinces are in the same direction! In their recent budgets, Ontario, British Columbia, Manitoba and New Brunswick have all announced cuts in corporate taxes! In that context, the new battle cry of Michael Ignatieff appears to be, singularly preposterous

Related link where you will learn, in addition, that to balance the budget of Canada in the 1990s, Paul Martin did not increase taxes for the rich and less corporate taxes! ! What he did to get there, is that it has reduced the size of government! That is how Canada has been able to tame its debt, to avoid the worst scenarios in the 1990s !

The tax and skeptical

Here is a great text by Pierre Simard, a professor at ENAP!

Finance Minister of Quebec, very pleased Raymond Bachand, appeals to the solidarity of all Quebecers: the tax sovereignty of Quebec would be threatened by the Government of Canada! I do not know if it is to make a diversion, as we approach the next budget, but I feel good that our Minister of Finance is trying to excite Nationalist my fiber! Sorry, but I do not vibrate

For several months, Quebec requires compensation of $ 2.2 billion, to harmonize its PST to the GST! One rumor is that Ottawa is prepared to acquiesce in the condition to retrieve the responsibility for this collection! Quebec's response is, therefore, the following: our fiscal sovereignty is not negotiable! In short, our politicians have a vision which is harmonious taxes only if they exercise their sovereignty, this harmony, where the quarrel there is between collectors !

But we talk about sovereignty, exactly, then, huh?? It is fine to want to sell me the idea that fiscal autonomy is a symbol and that our government does well, as preserving the common good, I remain, however, a tax and incorrigible skeptic, because it whether federal, provincial or whether it is municipal tax is a tax, regardless of who takes the !

To be honest, this is not the autonomy of our governments that moves me: it's mine! In a province where it was not until mid-June to get rid of taxes and taxes of all kinds, it is difficult to shed a tear on the intergovernmental struggles on the tax sovereignty !

25 years ago, economists Geoffrey Brennan and James M. Buchanan, who will win the Nobel Prize in economics in 1986, maintained that our governments have only one ambition: to maximize their earnings! There are, again, a nice illustration: the harmony of collectors, if realized, will, anyway, the Quebec government to increase its PST to recover, taxpayers, the recent decrease in GST and thereby offset its losses come from "tax on tax" that takes us for decades!

What, then, is the logic?? It is neutral to the taxpayer! Hum! It was really thinking, right?? When two thugs argue, for loot is neutral for the victim

Today, the level of taxes represents almost half of that population produces and what it earns! Quebecers are among the peoples who are the most taxed in North America! I just wrap myself in fleurdelysÚs, my pride to be a Quebecer is lean, if I only have the choice of the executioner! My pride will intensify, just when we be more respectful of my independence, my freedom and my personal preferences!

If the tax harmonization mingled with my own sovereignty and whether the $ 2.2 billion to be recovered from the federal government led to a decrease in taxes, I am an ardent supporter of fiscal autonomy! But meanwhile, I have the unpleasant impression that this dispute is, essentially, to exchange the spoils of taxpayers

Alongside this epic autonomy, our valiant finance minister said, last year, that the important thing is not a balanced budget, but rather to be happy as people! I feel he devoted himself, body and soul!

It endorsed the irony of the French intellectual of the nineteenth century, Frederic Bastiat, who said: "I will try to satisfy you, but for that, I need some resources! I have prepared projects for five or six taxes are taxes that are newest and most benign of the world! You see what a pleasure it was to pay !!!»!!!

Altruistic, I gladly let that pleasure to others

The CSQ addresses a blog right

CSQ attempts to silence bloggers blog Analysts because they dare to attack the left! These bloggers are, as everyone knows, the sympathizers of the Freedom Network-Quebec, a favorite target of unions since this movement advocates the right of freedom of association, is the choice for everyone, to organize or not !

So they advocate the abolition of the Rand Formula, which is an idea that is welcome in a province that does not recognize the union democracy, whether a certification is made with democratic a secret ballot by the recognition of freedom of association and non-free contribution to the union!

Quebec stands apart, and unless there is proof to the contrary, I do not know any country that speaks to copy the Quebec model

I remind you that, U.S. states that recognize freedom of association have been less affected by economic recession, both in terms of economic growth that in terms of unemployment that States that do not recognize this fundamental freedom !

During that time, Quebec City, we debate, to strengthen the provisions of the law against replacement workers, then we should rather discuss the abolition of the archaic measure ! After all, if employees who are off work have the right to open their own newspaper, the boss should he also have the right to run his business !

In Canada, only Quebec and British Columbia have laws that prohibit replacement workers! We see what happens !

But, hey, back on this part of the multipllilet, what is unacceptable is that the CSQ uses the money its union to carry out its ideological battle! They asked the opinion of their members, before the attack?? Of course not! The unions always do: they are involved in all sorts of international issues which have a social connotation, without the consent of their members! Yet this is not why we give them money!

It will cost, surely, dear, this lawsuit, but the unions are very rich, they pick up, about $ 800 million a year in contributions of all kinds, while the bloggers themselves, never have a fucking red cent in their pockets!

It is, therefore, clearly a SLAPP suit, whose sole purpose is to silence those who dare speak against the "union values"!

Here, therefore, the remarks that are defamatory and are hateful, according Réjean Parent, about what was said on the blog The Analysts!

Thus, January 30, 2011, Reynald Du Berger criticized the left in Quebec, taking the following remarks: "[...] was too much leftist sissy! Have you noticed that in Quebec, and it was remarkably well represented, 23 October 2010, at the Freedom Network Conference, Quebec, right, and it is young men, and the left is composed of men who are old and are feminized and old women !!!»!!!

While a blogger (note JLP: lutopium, who else??) Asks him if he is aware of the scope of his remarks, another blogger, an activist of the line is named Sebastiani, is to the defense of the former professor of UQAC, as follows: "And yes, the majority of union members are women, and feminized collectivists who like discrimination "negative" against men and against white people! As baby boomers begin retiring all, about 80% of all state employees will be women or immigrant women, and although there are already about 64% of the positions are occupied by women, discrimination, which nothing positive, continues to apply for some 700,000 government employees! I'm sick of "your" hypocrisy, "YOUR" propaganda and "YOUR" blank reactions that are offended! The backlash against "YOUR" follies (union / collectivist / etc.) will be terrible! It might be time to stop pretending that "everything is fine", not ???»!!!

Another blogger who calls himself Papajohn adds that it is "not for nothing that vasectomy is so popular in Quebec! Long ago that women have understood that to have the company they want nothing better than a big cat who is neutered! It remains that we are surrounded by sissy and irresponsible and it's not for nothing that nothing moves !!!»!!!

Moreover, Reynald Du Berger, who has taught for over 30 years, UQAC wrote that his experience showed him that "a teacher of 2 should not be taught because the teachers are simply flat and that parents do not care !!!»!!!

I see nothing hateful in there! I see more an observation of reality
! His comments are really hateful, I see every day on various blogs, including this post by Richard Hetu where his leftist wannabes are given away to your heart's content, the daughter of Sarah Palin !

But, of course, the left can attack the right, but the reverse can never be done, otherwise the old fascist demons are back, in the words of the left !

I, myself, was the target of personal attacks that have been a few times, very virulent, from leftists! With Web 2.0, users will think any permit, under cover of anonymity! In most cases, I will pass and I answer, usually, that the insult is the argument of those who no longer! But in cases that are more extreme on my blog, I have the option to censor comments, which fortunately did not arrive until two or three times !

By cons, on other blogs, I was already dealt with creationist and even denial, simply because I put into doubt the assumption of global carbocentriste, while these are very serious charges, however, have already earned, in some people, sentences! Looks like some people do not know the meaning of these terms !

Also, I do not even count all the insults I received after my post on the FFQ !

By the way, this story has lifted the veil on an issue that is more outrageous: the flight time during which, the CSQ!

You see?? The CSQ has commissioned its third vice-president, a certain Pierre Jobin to write blogs on the right, in order to create controversy, all on his hours of work! The union of the CSQ have, therefore, the small honor to pay the salary of Mr. Jobin, so he could make his union's ideological propaganda on blogs, and finding, well, lice that may be used later by the CSQ, as part of its ideological struggle against the evil right!

The administrator of the blog The Analyst, Ian Senechal, who discovered the pot to the roses! Mr. Jobin

This is, therefore, in a conflict of interest when he defends unions, he works, just for a union!

When a senior officer of a union, whatever it is, starts to scan the blogs who do not like him fine-tooth comb, all on his working hours, what is , according to you, huh?? That, in theory, it's called theft of time and it costs a fortune for many companies and even governments! This is what happened in 2007 with employees of the City of Quebec and even the National Assembly, with Pierre Morin Case!

The unions are no exception to this rule, since it is they, too, in some ways, business! In addition, this Mr. Jobin is paid from the dues of members of the CSQ, which is even more outrageous! It is inconceivable that a senior officer of the CSQ stealing time on his work time for blogging even dues of its members, to help his big boss in his ideological struggle, where he tells us what is good for us!

unions should not do politics!

But, hey, for leftists, it must be OK, if it comes from a nice unionist

Delirium of Twittergate

Alec Castonguay is the parliamentary correspondent in Ottawa for Le Devoir ! Every day, he commented on the news from Parliament Hill, at the microphone of the FM 98.5, during the broadcast of Benedict Dutrizac!

On 2 February, chronicles Alec Castonguay, on the airwaves of FM 98.5, has divided into two segments! Initially, we talked about the visit that Stephen Harper has done in Washington to discuss with Barack Obama, security at the border! In the second part of his chronicle, Alec Castonguay criticized Stephen Harper, because his visit to Washington, was announced on the Twitter account of the Prime Minister!

The reason for this criticism??

Announcing a new, Twitter would be unfair, because only people who frequent social networks can have access to that information! To quote Alec Castonguay, only People who subscribe to Twitter know that Stephen Harper went to Washington!

I hope you are able to see the contradiction in the reasoning of "journalist" Duty!

Alec Castonguay is smart, he knows perfectly that his criticism does not make sense, but when a journalist decides to play politics, by the band, the "common sense" is often the first casualty

In The News, we also talked about the Twittergate: pure smear against Stephen Harper, what! In this

section point, we say that the use of Twitter by Stephen Harper, has raised concerns, but no mention anywhere that has made these concerns known! Again, it seems that a "journalist" wanted to go, quietly, a gratuitous attack against the Prime Minister!

Then, in the same article criticizes Stephen Harper, to refer customers to their account, the site of the Conservative Party of Canada! However, the Twitter account of Barack Obama did the same thing! When Obama uses Twitter is a social networking genius! When Harper is using Twitter, we speaks of threats to democracy

Stephen Harper uses two Twitter accounts: one in English and one French ! For several months, Stephen Harper, also used Twitter to comment, in particular, the CRTC's decision regarding the end of Internet packages, and now it's a conspiracy, not to answer questions that his Twitter account refers users to the site of its party, rather than to the Government of Canada and he despises, and the population, no less, one can read in the comments leftists, on the site of the very leftist leftist Radio-Canada!

But I have not read anywhere that the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada abandoned the traditional press releases, media, or it no longer met the representatives of the press! ! This is another controversy that is prefabricated

In Incidentally, the use of Twitter by Stephen Harper, is no more different than that in the White House are or 10 Downing Street or the Elysee !

Obama blows his nose in a kleenex that has been manufactured in a sweatshop in South America, it helps children in poor countries to earn a living!

Harper did the same thing, it encourages the exploitation of children in developing countries poor night and fair trade!

there still someone not to believe everything that Obama is good, and that Harper is the devil, eh

I do not particularly like Stephen Harper, his deficits m'horripilent! But when I see how the media feel compelled to attack him on issues that are too frivolous, I think that the type is probably not that bad !