Saturday, March 6, 2010

Timberland Jakarta 2010


There will be approximately 130 Reims forum participants, 90 delegates, 7 chairs, 7 journalists.
Registration is only through the Internet platform at this address:®istration=REIMS_2010-07- 10
You must have a valid email address to all your relations with the Organising Committee.

Regarding delegates

The registration deadline for delegates is attached at July 8, 2010! However, the sooner you register, the more likely you are to insure your place to attend the session
... A few days after sending your application you will receive an email telling you if your site has been reserved or if you are placed on the waiting list.
If your place has been reserved you have exactly 14 days from the date of dispatch of mail to pay your fees. Beyond, and no news from you, we will have you.
If you are on a waiting list, that does not mean you can not attend the session. It may be that a person cancels his candidacy, or does not pay its participation fee in the allotted time, or that we reassess the number of places following strong demand. Of course, you will be informed as soon as possible of any change. However, if you ultimately decide not to attend the session over, thank you notify us so that we have your place on the waiting list.

Regarding the flesh and journalists

To be flesh or journalist, you must have proven experience, however small, within the European Youth Parliament, whatever the session (local, national, international ...) that you participated in, or position (delegate, flesh, journalist, organizer ...) you occupied.
After filing your application no later than May 30, 2010, you will receive a questionnaire about your experiences and motivation to participate in this session. You will also be requested, in the case of a apply for a job as a journalist, write a brief article on Eurovillage.

The selection of meats and journalists among the candidates is done using the following procedure:
- The chairs are selected by the President of the European Youth Parliament-France and the President of the Organizing Committee of the session.
- Journalists are selected by the President of the European Youth Parliament-France and the President of the Organizing Committee of the session.

The selection will be made so that the nationalities of flesh and journalists are the most diverse.

You will receive 5 juin2010 later than the result of the selection. You then have 14 days to confirm your registration by paying your entry fee. Otherwise, we will have your place to call for the supplementary list.

How to set the fee?

The participation fee is 70 € for delegates, 20 € for the flesh and journalists.
The payment of expenses is only possible by bank transfer to the account of the Organizing Committee. Bank details will be included in the mail informing you of the booking and your place on the invoice that will be attached. You must realize the bank transfer within 14 days of receiving the email notifying that your place has been reserved, otherwise your application will be canceled.

If canceled

You may need to cancel your registration for the Forum summer after paying your entry fee.
Even if we try to show maximum flexibility in the management of registration, you will understand that we are not able to guarantee the repayment of your costs until the last day.
Your participation fee will be refunded so under the following conditions:
- If cancellation takes place before 10/06/2010 inclusive, the rebate is full.
- If cancellation takes place between 10/06/2010 and 01/07/2010 included, we pay 50% fee.
- Cancellations made from 01/07/2010 will be subject to a refund of fees.

In all cases, we will deduct any costs related to bank transfer refund. We offer refunds
currency euro, without prejudice to any losses or gains related to foreign exchange rate between the date of payment of fees and the refund.

Cancellations made exclusively by phone and must be confirmed by mail the day .

For flesh and journalists, no refunds will be made after payment of expenses, except in cases of force majeure at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.


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