Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Me, Quebec agnostic Judeo-Christian culture, one of the core cultural structures of the West!

By cons, it's not because I have no faith that I would liquidate all of our Catholic heritage , although I denounce extremism shown by various headliners of this religion ! In fact, I must say that I am wary, more and more, proponents of secularism full !

Co-Head of Culbec suicidal, Françoise David, denies that our National Assembly prohibits the wearing of headscarves in public services! Let ! But its only MP, Amir Khadir, said in March 2010 that: "For me, the veil, not just the niqab is a symbol of submission and a symbol of domination of women by Man! It is a symbol that is archaic and should be thrown in the garbage of history! " !

Françoise David refuses, well, see, for longer, the crucifix that hangs above the Speaker's chair National Assembly, asserting that "his place is at the Museum" !

activists Quebec Secular Movement, says the columnist Jean-Jacques Samson, made absolute secularism a religion, they are fundamentalists ! !

course, QS defends lead a crusade! They do not want to get rid of the crucifix! They just want to move elsewhere! Of course, Françoise David is entitled to his opinion, but the fact remains that the National Assembly, it has resolved the crucifix in 2008 by passing a motion that, at the time, was adopted at the unanimously!

The motion read as follows: "That the National Assembly reiterate its commitment to promoting the language, history, culture and values of the Quebec nation, it favors the inclusion of everyone in our nation in a spirit of openness and a spirit of reciprocity and it demonstrates its commitment to our heritage and our religious heritage, which are represented by the crucifix in our Blue Room and our coat of arms that adorn our institutions !!!»!!!

Following this vote, we can be sure that the crucifix will not be moved, or the museum nor the attic

Why should we get rid of this symbol of our heritage and our religious heritage that is the crucifix of the National Assembly, while the niqab is to be tolerated in our public services , huh?? This ostentatious religious symbol that is not encountered he not service users of the secular state?? Reasonable accommodations, if they are one-way, it never works!

I repeat: I have not received the gift of faith, but I, nevertheless, learned to respect my history! Like it or not the ayatollahs of secularism in toto, the crucifix of the National Assembly, as a symbol of an important piece of our national identity must remain where it is!

It is not by removing it from the place where it is that we can gargle to be more secular than laymen themselves, even if I believed for a long time! Fading will not change anything, the situation! Instead, it will only increase the loss of identity and our roots go back to Quebec in the large lap Trudeauist multicultural Canada, where Quebec is absolutely nothing

Through the fight against the latest signs of Christianity, says the sociologist Mathieu Bock-Côté, what is challenging is Quebec's identity and his roots in Western civilization! ! Multiculturalism thus submits that Quebec is not a history but, rather, a blank page and that all cultural traditions should have the same treatment in the public space! But we know, in Quebec, as elsewhere, the company chlorination identity is very misunderstood and it generates a deep malaise that often look like a feeling of deprivation!

The task of the Court of Human Rights Movement and the secular is colossal!

Think about it: 400 years of history that is steeped in Catholicism, it leaves traces of all kinds, whether in traditions, in customs, in heritage, the monuments in the works art and values! But it gives also a legacy, a certain look on life, and a design World and ethics!

Jürgen Habermas, a philosopher, atheist, wrote, being quoted here by Richard Bastien, number 17 in the journal Amenities, that "Christianity, and nothing else, is the very foundation of freedom, of conscience, human rights and democracy, or the distinctive signs of Western civilization! To date, we can not rely on anything other than Christianity! We continue to drink from this source! Everything else is pure gossip postmodern! "Our

strain atheists are not bad, more obtuse! Moreover, this ethic, which comes from the gospel message is alive and well in the West! As shown by Frédéric Lenoir, in his book entitled "Christ Philosopher," "equal dignity for all, justice and sharing, nonviolence, empowerment of the individual in respect group, and the emancipation of women, with respect to the rights, freedom of choice, separation of politics and religion and the brotherhood of man "are values that are rooted in the Gospel message! !

Surprising, is not??

What will happen to his case before higher courts?? It's risky, because we all know, the decisions come from "government of judges" are far from always being respectful of our roots, our history and our identity !


What is the next step in this secular crusade, huh?? Does it will remove the cross is on our national flag?? Laugh, but it is, nevertheless, a job that we give to our children in the course of ECR!

Here, several symbols of religion are Catholic, also part of our history, that of our political institutions and culture in Quebec, our French culture and even our Western culture! Remove these symbols, it would be the equivalent of us condemn ourselves to exterminate!

Yes to public secularism, but not at the expense of who we are as a people!

It seems to me that this is not asking too much

If Quebec is really what humanity has to offer, dixit John James Carrion, then do not come alone, because its culture and traditions are to be taken or they are leaving !

Monday, February 28, 2011

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The unions have lost the war?? / The era of communications

Since I am entirely in agreement with these two texts blog-collective "The Analysts, "I present them at the moment !


With the settlement of the conflict, the Journal de Montreal, says Daniel Paquet's blog-collective "The Analyst", CSN has just lost its most great battle! If I worked at Couche-Tard, I'm wary of promises of prosperity, as well as the paradise that I would be available until the end of my days!

In addition, the CSN does not recognize any wrong! The problem is the current laws, and me, the selfish player, who chose not to boycott Quebecor's newspapers! According to CSN, I should deprive myself of the excellent surveys Dany Doucet and Andrew McIntosh and I should ignore the careful monitoring of Mathieu Turbide, to the waste of public funds! I, too, had to spend some tasty blog of Michael Hebert, excellent reviews Nathalie Elgrably and informed coverage of Taïeb Moalla, both on the events taking place in the National Assembly, as the popular uprisings that taking place nowadays in the Arab world!

us remember, moreover, that Moalla rang the bell, in this regard, Quebec, and well before anyone in a newspaper of Quebecor!

Personally, I do not think the lamentable result of the conflict, the Journal de Montreal is my fault, but it is an opinion that is very personal!

must, nevertheless, to pose the question: "At the dawn of the twenty-first century, should we adapt laws to the needs or desires, it depends, trade unions or the latter should they, rather, adapt to the realities of today, eh?? "


Today, if I worked in the media or in the arts, says Ian Seneschal of blog-collective "The Analyst", I'd be appreciative! I would wear a look that would beholder, on the news, on this Monday! I feel strong and I feel powerful! I would take time to relax and do a bit of philosophy! I would take time to reflect, to best use, effectively, the power that I have been granted because of the power, I would!

From the point of view which is, strictly, the media, an alien think that the conflict in the Journal de Montreal, was one of the worst that Quebec has ever experienced! The battle seems to have been bloody, because everybody talks about it! Anyone?? Actually, no: the actors speak in media and ordinary people, she ends up talking about and that's power!

The conflict has become emotional, no one can doubt it!

Yet, after all, it was a conflict that was rather mundane! I have seen worse in terms of suffering and in terms of financial insecurity! The "locked out" have found a way that was original to generate income, they had a strike fund which enabled them to "endure" the conflict for at least two years, as they said themselves!

Many people lose their jobs, but in the end, they receive an allowance from an average of $ 117 000, or 20 million U.S. dollars, for 170 unionized! In addition, Rue Frontenac will survive! I'm not sure that union members who are workers have all the luck in settling their labor dispute to them! Imagine, there was even able to drag the boss, before a parliamentary commission!

Definitely, Jean, said the welder, will never get this opportunity! Him, he will solve his conflict, loss, perhaps losing his job with no severance allowance, and no talk!

Another fine example of the power which, henceforth, communicators, in 2011, the Inquisition has undergone Francois Legault, Everyone talks about last night, before the artists! They are not all fools, artists! They, in their face, a guy who wants to be premier of Quebec! Even if we do not yet know with which party he will jump into the arena, we know he has good chances of being elected!

What are they then??

They spend their agenda, as follows: "It's important, Mr. Legault, eh, culture?? Eh, it generates revenue?? Every dollar that is invested returns more, eh, Mr. Legault ???»!!!

You do, surely, was not surprised last night to see how the carpet! Can we even blame him, huh?? The guy tries to start quietly, a political movement! Can he really afford a child crisis, with artists who are over-funded?? We know that this is not his style, so he lay down before them, and he was flattered, in the direction of hair!

I can not wait to see the 2013-2014 budget to be signed by Francois Legault me there!

You see it! Nowadays, it is not the value of the arguments that account! What really matters is to know what impact you can put your arguments in the mass media and, above all, what artist or what media will support your cause! Those who manage this feat the real power!

I'm starting to think that we need is a few comedians who assert the right in Quebec! We could perhaps get better at getting our message across! If you know one, tell him to call 555-5555! We will, we too, the power!

Oh, and I'd rather have, also, a humming that distorts the Pierre Lapointe! It works well, it also

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